The Life of Harriett Tubman

  • Bucktown Store

    Bucktown Store
    When Harriet was 12 years old she was accidentally struck by a weight in the head and it caused her many issues for the remainder of her life. I put this picture first because it was one of the first events to happen in her childhood.
  • The Escape

    The Escape
    Harriet escapes with her two brothers and an add is put out for their retrieval. This is the next part of Harriets life that I found significant, she also was still pretty young when this happened so that is why I put it here, rather than somewhere else just based on the sequence of events throughout her life
  • Serving in the Military

    Serving in the Military
    She became a member of the Union- army and was a spy that helped the Union to win against the Confederate and win the Civil War. This is also a major turning point in Harriet's life. After she escaped she was able to help even more people with the Union- Armies help. I placed this here based yet again on years and about how long this happened after she escaped.
  • The Pass

    The Pass
    Since Harriet was considered Union- Army member she was granted a pass to take whatever train she wanted to wherever she wanted. This was a major turning point because she was able to actually travel where she needed rather than having to walk everywhere she went. I put this first before her helping the military because she was awarded with the pass for helping other slaves before she helped the army, even though they were very close together.
  • Her Mission

    Her Mission
    Harriet helped over 300 slaves escape and not a single one was ever caught. In this picture, she still looks fairly young and like she could still be helping slaves escape to the North. I put this picture here because she appears to be in her prime which is when she helping people the most.
  • Harriet's Story

    Harriet's Story
    In 1886 an a biography was written about Harriet and her efforts in the American Civil War. In the book, she says this quote (located in the picture). I put this quote here because the book was written after she became "famous" for helping people escape slavery and live their lives out in the North.
  • Taking Residency

    Taking Residency
    Harriet bought land and a house in Auburn, New York, where here and her family lived. Even though she is older in this picture, I believed that this was an important part to add because this was the first time her family had ever been able to live together in freedom which is what they had hoped for for years.
  • Old Age

    Old Age
    Harriet lived out the majority of her life how she wanted to. She helped people she cared strongly about and she was able to make a difference all over America. I put this picture here to help tell her story, the picture shows the scar and shows that she cared a lot about other people.
  • Her Death

    Her Death
    Harriet died in 1913 as no less than a hero. I put this here because it was the end of her life and the flowers on her grave show that she was cared for and loved by many people.
  • Injury

    Harriet died at 93. Her scar that she got from her childhood is still visible even in old age. I put this here just to prove that even when faced with something that changes you like an injury it is still possible to power through it and do good things for people.
  • Memorial

    After her death, they placed a memorial sign in her hometown in Maryland thanking her for her efforts. I chose for this to go here because it happened after her death and was a way for the people to remember her and her efforts even though she was gone.
  • Payment

    When students learned that Harriet was never paid after she was told that she was going to be, students studying her found out and made sure she got her money. This was put last because it happend many years after her death but the students still got the money for her that she rightfully deserved.