
The Life and Legacy of George Chapman

  • May 30, 1559

    George Chapman's Birthday

    George Chapman's Birthday
    Although George Chapman's exact birth date is unknown, it is estimated he was born in 1559, the second son of Thomas Chapman and Joan Nodes.
  • Period: May 30, 1559 to

    The Life and Legacy of George Chapman

    This timespan goes from the time of George Chapman's birth to the time when John Keats' sonnet "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer" was published.
  • May 30, 1574

    Years in Oxford and Cambridge

    Years in Oxford and Cambridge
    No exact date is given for the beginning of Chapman's college years. However, it is certain that at only fifteen years old, Chapman was sent to Oxford and later Cambridge, but left before he received a degree.
  • George Chapman and SIr Ralph Sadler

    George Chapman and SIr Ralph Sadler
    Not much is known about the relationship between Chapman and Sir Ralph Sadler, but it is known that Chapman seemed to have worked in Sir Ralph Sadler's household from the year 1583-1585, so for a meager two years.
  • Chapman Leaves Sir Ralph Sadler

    Chapman Leaves Sir Ralph Sadler
    No reasons are known for why Chapman left Sir Ralph Sadler.
  • Military Time

    Military Time
    Chapman served the military in "The Low Countries" in 1591 and 1592.
  • The End of Military Time

    The End of Military Time
    1592 was the last year of Chapman serving in the Low Countries.
  • Chapman's First Long Poem

    Chapman's First Long Poem
    In 1594, Chapman published his first long poem, called "The Shadow of Night," at 35 years old.