Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is born in Stuttgart
Ludwig van Beethoven is born
American War of Independence Begins
U.S. Declaration of Independence was approved.
American forces defeat the British army at Yorktown, Virginia.
Treaty of Paris was signed (ended the American Revolutionary War)
Fredrick the Great dies
French Revolution begins with the storming of the Bastille
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Dies.
Louis XVI is guillotined.
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Hegel teaches at the University of Jena
Territorial reform of the German states by Francis II.
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First Napoleonic Wars
Great Britain declared war on France until Napoleon abdicates and exiled to Elba. -
Immanuel Kant dies.
Britain defeats French and Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Jena (Napoleon defeates Prussia).
Hegel's The Phenomenology of Mind is published.
Hegel marries Marie Helena Susanna von Tucher
Brother Georg Ludwig dies in Napoleon’s Russia Campaign
Hegel's The Science of Logic is published.
The War of 1812 begins.
U.S. and Britian signs Treaty of Ghent.
Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington) defeats Napoleon in the Battle of Waterloo
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Hegel teaches at the University of Heidelberg
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Hegel teaches at the University of Berlin
Karl Marx is born.
Hegel's The Philosophy of Right is published.
Illegitimate son, Ludwig, dies with Dutch Army in Indonesia
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel dies in Berlin
Hegel dies in Berlin.
Carl von Clausewitz dies (cholera) Poland
Hegel's The Philosophy of History is published.