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The Life of Frida Kahlo

By mml1029
  • Birth

    Born by the name of Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderón in Coyocoán, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Polio Diagnosis

    At the age of 6, Frida contracted polio which made her be bedridden for nine months. She developed a limp in her right leg and foot due to damage caused by the illness.
  • National Preparatory School

    One of only 35 girls (in a student body of 2,000) that attended this school in 1922 that had the hopes of becoming a doctor.
  • Bus Accident

    She suffered serious injuries in the accident, including a broken spinal column, a broken collarbone, broken ribs, a broken pelvis, eleven fractures in her right leg, a crushed and dislocated right foot, and a dislocated shoulder. An iron handrail pierced her abdomen and her uterus, which seriously damaged her reproductive ability.
  • Frida Starts Painting

    During her recovery from the bus accident, Fridao turned to art.
  • "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress"

    "Self-Portrait in a Velvet Dress"
    her first serious work and the first of many self-portraits to come. Her gift to current boyfriend Alejandro Gómez Arias who thought she had been unfaithful before the accident, she hoped this would win him back over.
  • Fridao Joins the Mexican Communist Party

    Only to be expelled one year later, with Diego Rivera, for opposing Stalin's crackdown on Trotsky's Left Opposition. Although later reconciling herself to Stalinism, Kahlo remained on the left and always considered herself a communist.
  • Frida and Diego Rivera Marry

    Frida's mother does not approve of Diego because she believes he is too fat, too old, a Communist, and an atheist. “I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down... The other accident is Diego.”
    — Frida Kahlo
  • Frida and Diego move to San Francisco

    They move to San Francisco were Diego has been commissioned to paint murals
  • "Frida and Diego Rivera"

    "Frida and Diego Rivera"
    Completed while Frida and Diego were in San Francisco.
  • "Los Tres Amigos"

    "Los Tres Amigos"
    As a token of friendship to Dr. Eloesser
  • Frida and Diego move to Detroit

    Diego had been awarded a commission from the Ford Motor Company.
  • "Miscarriage in Detroit"

    "Miscarriage in Detroit"
    While living in Detroit, Frida became pregnant and at three and a half months she suffered a miscarriage. Diego did not want children and Frida knew this so she took quinine in an attempt to cause an abortion.
  • "My Birth"

    "My Birth"
  • "My Dress Hangs There"

    "My Dress Hangs There"
    Expressed her discontent with the United States, its social decay, and its fundamental human values.
  • Frida and Diego move to Mexico

    Both Frida and Diego had extramarital affairs during this time.
  • "Fulang Chang and I"

    "Fulang Chang and I"
  • Leon Trotsky and His Wife joing Frida and Diego in Mexico

    They stay in the Blue House in Coyoacán, Frida and Leon Trotsky (exiled Soviet Communist) become very close and begin a secret relationship.
  • Frida Kahlo's First Exhibit in Mexico

    Four of Frida's paintings are included in a group exhibition in Mexico at the Galeria de Arte at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
  • Frida befriends André Breton

    André Breton visits Leon Trotsky in Mexico and meets Frida. After seeing an unfinished "What the Water Gave Me" he offers to show her work in Paris.
  • "Self Portrait With Monkey"

    "Self Portrait With Monkey"
  • "What I Saw in the Water"

    "What I Saw in the Water"
  • Period: to

    Frida Kahlo's First Solo Exhibit

    Frida traveled to New York for her first one-person exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery.
  • "The Two Fridas"

    "The Two Fridas"
  • Diego Divorces Frida

    After visiting Paris and exhibiting some of her paintings, she befriended Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso. Later that year she divorced Diego.
  • "The Wounded Table"

    "The Wounded Table"
  • "Self Portrait With Monkey"

    "Self Portrait With Monkey"
  • Frida and Diego Remary

    Frida had two conditions: No Sex and No Money. There would be no sex between them and she would not accept any money from Diego
  • "Me and My Parrots"

    "Me and My Parrots"
  • "Roots"

  • "Self Portrait as a Tehuana"

    "Self Portrait as a Tehuana"
  • Frida Starts Keeping a Diary

    She became very depressed and started keeping a diary to document her emotional feelings in text and drawings.
  • "The Broken Column"

    "The Broken Column"
  • "Without Hope"

    "Without Hope"
  • "The Wounded Deer"

    "The Wounded Deer"
  • "Tree of Hope, Keep Firm"

    "Tree of Hope, Keep Firm"
  • "Diego and I"

    "Diego and I"
  • Death

    “I hope the exit is joyful- and I hope never to return- Frida”
    — Frida Kahlo