F scott fitzgerald   mini biography

The Life of F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald is born

    F. Scott Fitzgerald is born in St. Paul, Minnesota.
  • Fitzgerald is accepted into Princeton

    Fitzgerald is accepted into Princeton
  • Fitzgerald drops out of Princeton to serve in the U.S. Military

  • Fitzgerald's first hit novel is published, called This Side of Paradise

    Fitzgerald's first hit novel is published, called This Side of Paradise
  • Fitzgerald Marries Zelda Sayre

    Fitzgerald Marries Zelda Sayre
  • Francis Scott Fitzgerald's only daughter 'Scottie' is born

  • Fitzgerald publishes his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned

    Fitzgerald publishes his second novel, The Beautiful and Damned
  • Fitzgerald begins his descent into alcoholism

  • Fitzgerald moves his family to France

  • Zelda Fitzgerald meets a French aviator and has an affair with him

  • Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby, his 3rd novel

    Fitzgerald publishes The Great Gatsby, his 3rd novel
    At the time, it sells the least of his 3 novels but later goes on to become one of the greatest works of American literature.
  • Zelda Fitzgerald begins to go insane, even trying to drive off of a cliff

  • Fitzgerald publishes his 4th novel, Tender is the Night

    Fitzgerald publishes his 4th novel, Tender is the Night
  • Fitzgerald works as a screenwriter at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

  • Fitzgerald dies of heart failure at the young age of 44