Ella Josephine Baker is Born in Norfolk, Virgina.
Raised by Georgiana and Blake Baker, her parents. -
Period: to
The Life of Ella Baker
This timeline will follow the life of Ella Baker, an African American Civil Rights Activist, and her accomplishments and events that occurred throughout her time being alive. -
Ella Baker moves to Littleton, North Carolina
When she was 7 years old, Ella moved to Littleton, North Carolina, her mother's hometown. -
Ella Baker graduates from Shaw University
After graduating in 1927 as class valedictorian, she moved to New York City and began joining social activist organizations. -
Ella Baker joins the Young Negroes Cooperative League
The purpose of the YNCL was to develop black economic power through collective planning. -
Ella Baker begins her involvement with the NAACP
Ella Baker's First Career
She worked as a field secretary and then served as director of branches from 1943 until 1946. -
Ella Baker co-founded the organization In Friendship
This organization was created to raise money to fight against Jim Crow Laws in the South. -
Ella Baker moves to Atlanta
Ella moves to Atlanta to help organize Martin Luther King's new organization, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). -
Ella Baker organizes a meeting at Shaw University
Following the Greensboro sit-ins, Ella wanted to assist the new student activists because she viewed young, emerging activists as a resource and an asset to the movement. -
Freedom Rides are established
Adopting the Gandhian theory of nonviolent direct action, SNCC members joined with activists from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to organize the 1961 Freedom Rides. -
SNCC helped create Freedom Summer
Also known as the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which attempted to focus national attention on Mississippi’s racism to register black voters. -
Ella Baker's Death
Her legacy continued to live on even after her death on December 13, 1986, age 83.