Edgar Allen Poe: The Man Behind The Macabre

  • Edgar Allan Poe Is Born

    Edgar Allan Poe is born on January 19, 1809.
  • Edgar Allan Poe and His Father

    When Poe was 1 year old he was abandoned by his father.
  • Edgar Allan Poe and His Mother

    When Poe was almost 3 his mother dies of Tuberculosis
  • Meeting His Foster Mother

    Edgar Allan Poe and his siblings had to be adopted. Edgar Allan Poe was taken in by a woman named Mrs. Allen.
  • Poe and His First Love

    When Poe was 15 years old his first love died of brain cancer.
  • Boarding School

    Mr. Allan sends Poe to boarding school so he can have conduct his affairs in peace.
  • Mr. Allen and His Money

    Mr. Allen gave Poe enough money to get to boarding school but no more.
  • Joining The Army

    Poe decides to drop out of school and join the army. He enlists in the army as Edgar Allan Perry.
  • Going Back To Boston

    He decided to go back home and enlist in the army.
  • Mrs. Allen and Tuberculosis

    When Poe was 20 years old his foster mother dies of Tuberculosis.
  • Maria - Clemm and Virginia

    When Poe is 22 years old he moves in with Maria - Clemm and his 8 year old cousin Virginia.
  • Becoming An Editor

    When Poe becomes 26 years old he becomes and editor.
  • Poe Second Love

    When Poe finds out that his aunt Maria - Clemm is going to send his cousin Virginia away, he realizes that he is in love with her.
  • The Raven

    In 1845 the poem "The Raven was published, only making him 14 dollars.
  • Virginia and Tuberculosis

    His wife Virginia dies of Tuberculosis.
  • Baltimore Street

    On October 3, 1849 Poe is found unconscious on Baltimore Street wearing someone else's clothes.
  • Edgar Allan Poe Dies

    On October 7, 1849 Edgar Allan Poe dies. In the hospital he wakes up for a few seconds and says "God help my poor soul" then dies.