The Life of Dumas Pere

  • The Birth of Dumas Pere

    Alexandre Dumas Pere was born, near Soissons, France.
  • Alexandre's Father Perishes

    Thomas-Alexandre Dumas perishes at the age of 43, due to stomach cancer, leaving Alexandre to his mother.
  • Alexandre begins to Write

    Alexandre Dumas, Secretary of the Duke of Orleans (who later became King Louis XIV), writes his first play, "Christine".
    (The date given is that of said play's first presentation to the public.)
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    Alexandre begins his Writing Binge

    Alexandre begins to write like crazy, starting with "Le Capitaine Paul".
  • Alexandre runs for Assembly

    And fails, presumably.
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    Dumas returns to Paris

    Dumas Pere returned to Paris, and continued his writing, joining into the Newspaper business.
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    Alexandre is Keeper of Museums

    Relocated to Naples, Italy, Alexandre serves, before returning to Paris.
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    Pere lives with his son.

    In his final years, Alexandre returns to Paris, living with his son, Alexandre Dumas Fils.
  • Alexandre's Death

    Alexandre Dumas Pere dies at the age of sixty-eight, poor and distressed in Puys, France.