Period: to
His life. I kept the month and day a consistent number on a few because I don't know the day and or month on some of them.
I kept the month and day a consistent number on a few because I don't know the day and or month on some of them. -
Pilgrim's birth
Billy Pilgrim was born in Ilium, New York. -
Billy is drafted into army
At the age of 21, Pilgrim is drafted into the army. -
His Transport
By 1945, the prisoners are transported to Dresden to perform "contract labor". Their living area is an abandoned slaughterhouse. -
Bombing of Dresden
Firebombing of Dresden occurs and over 100,000 people die. -
Billy is put into a zoo.
Billy is taken and put into a zoo on Tralfamadore, where he meets a movie star Montana Wildhack who lives with him at the zoo. -
Pilgrim and Guggenheim go back to Dresden
The exact date is unknown, but Pilgrim and his buddy Guggenheim go back to Dresden after the devestation for the first time in 1967. -
Billy Gets Captured
Billy gets captured by the Tralfamadorians on this evening. He claimed that he knew they would be coming. -
Plane Crash
Billy goes down in a plane crash in the Sugarbush Mountains in Vermont. He is taken immediatly to a hospital. -
Valencia Dies
Valencia dies of carbon monoxide poisening in a car accident. -
The Speech
By 1976, Billy is 53 years old. He gives a speech in Chicago, about his alien abduction. -
Billy Pilgrim dies
Billy Pilgrim is shot at the location of his speech.