The Life of Ben Miller-A Legend

  • Ben breaks his leg on a treadmill

    To overcome this challenge, Ben gwts a lot of rest until his leg heals.
  • Period: to

    Ben Miller

  • Period: to

    Ben Miller

  • Ben sets a goal to eat healthier

    Ben will achieve this goal by limiting junk food in the house and buying more fruits and vegetables.
  • Ben's dog died

    Ben lost sleep and didn't eat as much because of this event. To cope with this event, he started to exercise a lot and get a lot of physical activity.
  • ben's best friend starts drinking on weekends

    -He's worried that his friend may become an alcoholic
    -He's worried his friend might dirnk and drive
    -He's worried that his friend could die from alcohol poisoning
    -He's worried that his friend could do something risky whikle under the influence of alcohol
  • Ben's mother dies

    During the anger stage of grief, Ben is mad at whatever took his mother away from him
    During the hope stage of grief, Ben believes that things will get better, and that his mother is in a better place
  • Ben decides to eat healthier to try and avoid family diseases

    -Heart disease
    -Liver disease
  • Family member starts smoking

    Ben is worried about:
    -Lung disease
    -heart disease
  • Ben tells his friend not to drink and drive

    He says:
    -Drinking and driving can get you killed, and you can kill other people
    -You can get arrested
  • Ben gets the flu and has to stay home for a week

    Treating it:
    -Get lots of rest
    -Drink lots of fluids
    -Get medicine
    Preventing it next year:
    -Get a flu shot
    -Wash hands often
    -Stay healthy
  • Ben's puberty begins

    -Ben's brain starts to mature
    -Ben begins to gain the ability to think logically
  • Ben makes a pledge to stay abstinent

    -Don't engage in sexual activity
    -Don't drink alcohol
    -Don't make friends with sexually-active people