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The Life of Andrew Jackson

  • Andrew Jackson is born

    Andrew Jackson is born
    Andrew Jackson is born near Camden, SC
  • Revolutionary war

    Revolutionary war
    At 13 years old, Jackson goes off to fight in the Revolutionary War, along with his brothers. One brother dies in battle, while he and his other brother are captured by the British. Both survive, but when they return home, Jackson's family becomes violently ill. Jackson becomes an orphan.
  • Military Career

    Military Career
    Jackson was the head of the Tenesse militia in 1801.
  • A duel

    A duel
    Jackson challenged Charles Dickinson to a duel after Dickinson insulted Jackson's wife. The two fired, and Jackson was shot in the chest, miraculously survivng. He ended up fatally wounding his opponent. Dickinson died, and Jackson was declared the victor.
  • War Hero

    War Hero
    Andrew Jackson fought in th war of 1812, leading his troops to victory in the battle of Horseshoe Bend. Afterwards, he was appointed major general.
    He also fought in the battle of New Orleans. Though this battle was fought after the war had ended, he was still considered a great war hero.
  • Presidency

    After losing his first election in 1824 to his opponent, John Quincy Adams, he won the next election in 1828 by a landslide. After the election was over, his opponents nicknamed him...Well, it's synonomous with 'Donkey'. He took to liking this and often used it to represent himself. It later became the symbol for the Democratic Party.
  • Assassination Attempt

    Assassination Attempt
    On January 30, 1835, Andrew Jackson was the first president to escape an assassination attempt. As Jackson was leaving a congressional funeral, Richard Lawrence approached him and attempted to shoot him, but the bullet missed. Jackson, then 67 years old, began hitting Lawrence with his walking cane. Lawrence pulled out a second loaded pistol, fired, and missed yet again. Eventually, Jackson's aides wrestled Lawrence away.
  • Death

    Andrew Jackson died of Tuberculosis in his home, The Hermitage on June, 8, 1845, at the age of 78.