The Life of Alicia Jane Timermanis

  • Birth

  • Moved to Canberra

  • Had My First Christmas With Family In Sydney

    Had My First Christmas With Family In Sydney
  • Started Primary School

  • Started High School

  • Entered Adulthood

    Entered Adulthood
  • Graduated Gollege

    Graduated Gollege
  • Started University at ACU

  • Went Overseas to Europe

    Went Overseas to Europe
    This was an important date in my life as it was the first time I went overseas.
  • Had my 19th Birthday in Wales

    Had my 19th Birthday in Wales
    This was a significant birthday because I met my wonderful cousin Angus who had the exact same birthday as myself. I also met my great grandparents.
  • Turned 20

    Turned 20
    And that brings me to the current day where I spend my life at university in Canberra and the rest of my days adventuring the Northern Beaches (Summer Bay) where my grandparents live and where I also plan to move.......