The Life Of Alexis Acquafredda

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    The day I was born, when It all started, I was the first of all the grandchildern. I was born on a cold novemeber day. In Valley Hospital.
  • When My Sister was Born

    When My Sister was Born
    When my sister was born my life as the only child changed. No longer was I an only child. I had to learn how to show everything with my new little sister. She was born on a hot july day.
  • First Day Of KIndergarten

    First Day Of KIndergarten
    When my life really started, no longer was a baby. I now went to school and had homework to finsh. My life went from playing with all my toys at home to sitting in school doing work. This is when I first started to get an education.
  • The Day I moved

    The Day I moved
    I no longer lived in my childhood home. My parents had moved us from a busy little town. to a boring big town. In Ringwood NJ is where we moaved to and since then I am stil living there.
  • My Cousin Was Born

    My Cousin Was Born
    My first cousin was born on this day. It was a great thing I now had a cousin that I could play with and watch over. It was great and the best part was she was a girl.
  • My second Cousin was born

    My second Cousin was born
    The second cousin, but the first boy cousin. By this time our family had all girls in it. And everyone espically my grandpa this time hoped for a boy and thats what he got. I beautiful baby boy was born and what a great additon to our family it was.
  • My First Day of Work

    My First Day of Work
    Started to make money to save for my car. It was the first time I started to work. I learned to make money on my own, and begin to save up for a car. I started working at ShopRite in Oakland.
  • When I Got My First Car

    When I Got My First Car
    I got a brand new 2016 white mazda 3(:: I was so blessed to get sucha nice car. Thank you to my grandpa. I got such a beautiful car that I love so much.
  • My 17th Birthday

    My 17th Birthday
    Finally freedom of the road. Got the drivers liscense (;; it was a great birthday. This day changed everything for me. I got the freedom of driving and the feeling of being older. I no longer had to stay at home I could now drive all around.
  • Today

    The present day. Today computer apps then work