356 BCE
Alexander is born.
340 BCE
Phillip, Alexander's father goes to war.
339 BCE
Alexander spends time to study the records of his fathers account.
338 BCE
The Battle of Chaeronea takes place and the fields are covered in bodies and blood.
336 BCE
Alexander's father Phillip dies and Alexander becomes King.
335 BCE
Alexander goes to the temple of Delphine.
334 BCE
Alexander cuts the knot.
333 BCE
Alexander's army is outnumbered and he finds his enemy Dairus.
332 BCE
Alexander goes to Egypt and becomes a pharaoh.
331 BCE
Alexander won the battle and proclaimed King of Asia.
330 BCE
Alexander takes over Dairus palace in Persibula and takes him as a prisoner
327 BCE
Alexander invades northern India.
326 BCE
Alexander gets hurt severely in a battle.
324 BCE
Alexander suffers and illness and a hurt when his friend Hephaestion dies.
323 BCE
Alexanders condition worsens and eventually his eyes shut and never open again.