Ulm, Germany -
Younger sister born
Maria, known as Maja -
Admitted to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School
In Zurich, Switzerland. Lost German citizenship and became stateless. -
Published first paper
First job
Worked at the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland -
Birth of daughter
Leiserl Maric, died or given up for adoption 1903 -
Wed Mileva Maric -
Special Theory of Relativity
Photoelectric Effect
Becomes a professor
Birth of son
Eduard Einstein -
Paper on critical opalescence
Explains why the sky is blue -
Birth of son
Hans Albert Einstein -
General Theory of Relativity
From Mileva Maric, separated five years earlier -
To his cousin Elsa Löwenthal -
Won Nobel Prize
Moved to the US
AS a result of antisemitic ideas in Germany -
Began working at Princeton
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
Wife died
Signed letter to FDR
Encouraged development of atomic bomb before Germany -
US Citizenship
Chairman of Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists
Signed Russell-Einstein Manifestoed
Warning against using nuclear weapons -
Princeton, New Jersey of an aortic aneurysm