
The Life of Albert Einstein

  • Albert Einstein is Born

    Albert Einstein is Born
    Albert Einstein is born in Ulm, Germany to Hermann Einstein and Pauline Einstein. His father was salesman and an engineer.
  • Einstein moves to Munich

    Einstein moves to Munich
    The family moves to Munich, Germany where his father and uncle founded Elektrotechnische Fabrik J. Einstein & Cie. It was a company that manufactured electrical equipment based on direct current.
  • Albert Receives his First Compass

    Albert Receives his First Compass
    He receives his first magnetic compass. He was fascinated because wherever he moves the needle points the same way. This inspired him to investigate mysteries of the world.
  • Period: to

    Albert's Family Does Not Observe Jewish Religion

    His family does not observe Jewish religion. He goes to a Catholic elementary school.
  • Family Moves to Milan

    Albert’s family moves to Milan, Italy, but Albert stays
    in Munich to finish school. He quits school at the end
    of the year and joins his family in Italy
  • Albert Moves and Writes Essay

    Albert Moves and Writes Essay
    Albert moves to Aarau, Switzerland, hoping to enter
    the Federal Polytechnical Institute in Zurich. At age
    16, writes his first scientific essay, “On the Investigation of the State of Ether in a Magnetic Field.”
  • Graduates and Goes to Higher Education

    Graduates and Goes to Higher Education
    In the fall, Albert graduates from the Aarau school in
    Switzerland, enabling him to enter the Federal Polytechnical Institute in Zurich.
  • Meets Future Wife

    Meets Future Wife
    Albert meets Mileva Maric, whom he will later
  • Graduates

    Albert graduates from the Polytechnical Institute.
  • Becomes Citizen

    Becomes Citizen
    Albert becomes a Swiss citizen.
  • Starts Work and has Child

    Starts Work and has Child
    Albert starts work at the Swiss Patent Office in
    Bern. He and Mileva have a daughter, Lieserl, who
    is believed to have tragically died a year later from
    scarlet fever
  • Father Dies

    Father Dies
    Albert’s father, Hermann, dies in Milan, Italy.
  • Marries Mileva

    Marries Mileva
    Marries Mileva Maric.
  • First son is born

    First son is born
    Albert’s son Hans Albert is born.
  • Promoted

    Albert is promoted to technical expert, second class,
    at the patent office.
  • First Theory

    First Theory
    Albert has the “happiest thought of my life”—that
    gravity and acceleration are the same—allowing him
    to develop the theory of general relativity
  • Becomes Lecturer

    Albert becomes a lecturer at the University of Bern in
  • Extraordinary Professor

    Extraordinary Professor
    Albert is appointed extraordinary professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich.
  • Becomes Director

    Becomes Director
    Albert is appointed director of the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the German University of Prague.
  • Moves to Germany

    Moves to Germany
    Albert accepts an appointment as professor at University of Berlin and moves to Germany.
  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Nobel Peace Prize
    Albert receives the Nobel Prize in physics.
  • Goes On World Tour

    Goes On World Tour
    Abert goes on world tour to support Zionism. He
    makes first trip to the United States with Chaim Weizmann on a fund-raising tour on behalf of the Hebrew
    University of Jerusalem.
  • The Death

    The Death
    Albert Einstein dies in Princeton as a result of a ruptured aorta.