16 abraham lincoln

The Life of Abe

By anc0414
  • Firing on Fort Sumter

    Firing on Fort Sumter
    South Carolina secedes from the union and when President Lincoln didn't surrender the federal fort to them, they opened fire on the fort
  • rebels

    after the attack on fort Sumter, Lincoln calls South Carolina a state of rebellion and suggests that states pay military to put down the rebels which angered more southern states causing them to also secede.
  • North and the South

    North and the South
    Southern states that seceded were known as the confederate states or confederacy. ( Lincoln and northern states called them rebels).
    The Northern and border states formed the Union
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    This battle was also known as First Mananas and was the first major battle where the union(north) invaded the confederate(southern) territory.
    ~General Thomas Jackson gets the nickname "stonewall" after pushing his troops forward to close a gap in the line against the union attack.
    ~Confederates won
    ~Lincoln orders draft soldiers
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    ~major victory for the union
    ~23,000 soldiers died in a day (more deaths in a day than any other battle)
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    ~freed slaves only in confederate territory
    ~this was Lincoln's attempt to show that the union was better and win moral high ground
    ~made slavery the issue of the war
  • Turning Points

    Turning Points
    Battle of Vicksburg- union victory
    Battle of Gettysburg - union victory
    Gettysburg Address- Lincoln commemorates the fallen soldiers to preserve democracy
  • Surrender of Robert E. Lee

    Surrender of Robert E. Lee
    Lee surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse to Ulysses S. Grant who allows the confederate soldiers to return home
  • Meanwhile....

    booth is planning to kidnap Lincoln and hold him for ransom for confederate army prisoners.
  • the new plot

    the new plot
    The war ends! Not part of Booths plan so when he hears talk of Lincoln attending the theater later, he spends the next 8 hours on a new plan
  • Assassination

    Booth was an actor so he had easy access to the theater, once the play started, he went to the room Lincoln was sitting in with no security and shot him point blank in the back of the head.
  • what happened?!!

    what happened?!!
    when booth jumps onto the stage, people thought it was part of the play until they took Lincoln across the street where he died the next day
  • The man hunt

    The man hunt
    the north was furious and immediately began searching for the man responsible and all those involved in the cold murder of the beloved president.