Monica was born
Long ago in the year of 2003, a small little blart was born on the 12th of June. She was the first baby her parents have had. -
This was when I had made a year around the sun. -
2nd Birthday
I turned 2 this year!! -
3rd Birthday
My family threw a big party for me when I turned 3. -
Grandma <3
6 days after my birthday, my grandma died from a heart attack. -
Grandpa <3
My grandpa died. -
I started school for the first time. I was scared and crying. I didn't want to leave my parents. -
The Wedding
On this day, my favorite aunt and uncle got married. I was the flower girl. -
My Brother Was Born
July 31st was the day I stopped being bad. My little brother came and changed my life. -
Spelling Bee
My first spelling bee in Rock-dale, Texas. In which I got 4th place. -
I turned 10 on this day and was already feeling old. -
I had a big party at the Navasota swimming pool. -
Becoming a Junior High Student
This was a really scary experience since I was gonna be one of the new students in the school like my friends. But it turned out okay and I like Junior High a lot now. -
I don't remember the exact day but around November, I had surgery to get a scar removed. -
Los Recoditos
This was my first time seeing my favorite band! <3 -
My Old Best Friend
Somewhere around this date, my best friend moved to another school. -
My best-friend turned 13 <3 -
8th Grade Year
This is the first last day of Junior High. -
* Mexico *
This was my first time ever going to Mexico. I met all my lovely family that I had never seen before. -
Los Recoditos <3
I saw my favorite band for the second time.