Period: to
The life and time of Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth, born Isabella Baumfree, was an women's rights activist and Abolitionist. Also working with Harriet Tubman later in life. Best known for her powerful speech "Ain't I a woman?" -
The Treaty of Tripoli
Peace treaty signed between the United States and Tripoli, to bring peace, is signed at Algiers. -
U.S. Voids treaty with France
Eighty four French ships are captured by the U.S. Navy -
Fries Rebellion
John Fries of Pennsylvania led a group of Pennsylvanians in a revolt against taxes on property. -
Thomas Jefferson becomes president
New Jersey abolish slavey
James Madison becomes president
Fletcher v. Peck
first time the Supreme Court denied, turned down a state law on constitutional grounds -
War of 1812
Battle of New Orleans
American Colonization Society, Sierra Leone, and Liberia
Eighty six free African Americans and three colonization society members sail to Freetown, Sierra Leone. -
Florida owned by U.S.
Florida becomes an official territory of the United States. -
Arikara Indian War
Plains Indian War between the United States and the Western Native Americans. -
The Bureau of Indian Affairs
United States War Department. establishes this department, meant to regulate trade with Indian tribes. -
Indian Removal Act
Approved by U.S. congress to relocate Native tribes east of Mississippi River. Also known as The Trail of Tears. -
Treaty of Wanghia
Also named the Treaty of Peace, it is the first treaty between China and the U.S. -
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Ended the Mexican war. U.S. revived most of Texas, California, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, most of Colorado and Arizona -
American Civil War
Fought between the north and south of the U.S. Started because of slavery and economic intrest. -
Hiram Rhodes Revels
First African American man to be sworn into United States congress -
James A. Garfield
James A. Garfield elected president. -
Sitting Bull
Sioux chief surrenders to United States troops at Fort Buford, Montana. -
Civil Rights Act of 1875
Congress finds parts unconstitutional, and allowed for the discrimination of those of color. -
Emancipation Proclamation
Issued by president Abraham Lincoln, it proclaimed that person's held as slaves shall be free.