The Life and Times of Joshua A. Norton: Emperor and These United States and Protector of Mexico
Birth of an Emperor
Joshua Abraham Norton was born in London, England around the year 1819. The exact date and location of his birth are debated. At the time of his death, he was believed to be 65 which would have meant that he was born in 1814. -
Onward ho, to South Africa We Go.
At the age of 2 Norton's parents John Norton and Sarah Norden, decide to relocate to SOuth Africa in search of fortune. -
Get Rich or Die Tryin'
Not much of Norton's early life is known, but in 1849, records indicate he emigrated to San Francisco, CA after recieving $40,000 from his father's estate. Norton hoped to strike it rich in the burgeoning wild west. -
Investing in Rice?
In early 1853 a rice famine in China caused the coutry to stop exporting its rice. This casued the price of rice to dramatically increase in San Francisco. Norton saw an opportunity to invest in Peruvian Rice and corner the market. He purchased an entire shipment of rice, 200,000 lbs of rice, for $25,000. After Notron's shipment arrived several other ships arrived carrying Peruvian rice, crushing Norton's dream. -
1853-1857 Legal Troubles
Joahua Norton attempts to void the contract he had initially signed for the shipment of rice. Norton claimed the rice was of poor quality. He prevailed in the lower courts. His case went up to the California Supreme Court which ruled against him. Norton;s real estate holdings were foreclosed upon to pay for debt. It is said that Norton's mental state was greatly affected. Norton filed for bankruptcy in 1858 and left San Francisco on a self imposed exile. -
Striking it Rich in Real Estate
By the end of 1853 Norton had ammased over a quarter million dollars. in real estate transactions. -
The Emperor Has Returned
Norton returned from his exile disguntled over legal and political institutions of the United States. He issued this decree, "At the peremptory request and desire of a large majority of the citizens of these United States, I, Joshua Norton, formerly of Algoa Bay, Cape of Good Hope, and now for the last 9 years and 10 months past of S. F., Cal., declare and proclaim myself Emperor of these U. S...." -
The Emperor's First Decree
Norton I dismissed Gov. Wise of Virginia for hanging John Brown and appointed John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky to replace him. -
DIssolution of the United States
Decree from Norton I dissolved the United States of America. -
Another Decree...
Decree from Norton I dissolved and abolished the Democratic and Republican parties because of party strife now existing within our realm. -
Construction of a Suspension Bridge
Decree by Norton I that a suspension bridge be built as soon as convenient between Oakland Point and Goat Island, and then on to San Francisco. -
Death of an Emperor
Norton I dies on California St. at Grant Ave. He was on his way to a lecture at the Academy of Natural Sciences. The next day an article is published in the Morning Call titled “Norton the First, by the grace of God Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life.”