
The Life and Times of John Brown

  • John Brown is born

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    The Life and Times of John Brown

  • John Brown leaves home

  • John Brown and his family move to Plainsfield, MA

  • John Brown meets Fredrick Douglass for the first time

  • John Brown moves to live with two of his sons in Kansas

  • Brown and his sons murder five pro-slavery activists

  • John Browns leads a successful attack on soldiers sent to kill him and his men

  • John Brown spends 2 years raising funds for his cause in the East.

  • Brown leaves for New York

    John Brown and some men visit Fredrick Douglass to discuss matters. Later, he arrives in Petersboro to talk about things with the Secret Six, a group of men who "secretly funded" John Brown's endeavors.
  • Brown acquires a new ally

    The ally mentioned is High Forbes, a British ex-veteran who works as a mercenary at the time. Brown, Forbes, and other spend several weeks forming a "Well Matured Plan"
  • John Brown leads a raid

    In this raid, Brown manages to free 11 slaves. Eventually, the slaves make it to Canada with Brown's assistance.
  • Brown returns to North Elba

    Brown visits his wife and family one last time before going to Harpers Ferry, to execute his plan.
  • Harpers Ferry

    Brown arives in Harpers Ferry, Svereal days later (using the alias Isaac Smith) Brown rents a farmhouse in Maryland near the Virginian border, which he later uses for storage.
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    Harpers Ferry: John Brown's Final Raid

    Brown and his band of 18 people storm the armory, in hopes of controlling all of the firearms in the town. The raid goes well initally, but eventually stirs up the town. Common folk trap the militia in the armory and alert the authorities. By the next morning, every square inch of the building was surrounded by marines. Brief attempts at negotiation are held but to no avail. Brown refuses to surrender, and the marines soon break through. A short firefight is held and Brown is injured.
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    John Brown's Final Weeks

    Brown's final weeks are spent in between a courtroom and a jail cell. Brown is eventually convicted of "treason against the state of Virginia" and sentenced to death. On December 2nd, 1859 brown is hanged in front of a crowd.