First Female Students Admitted to the University of Alabama
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World event
Mussolini forms a cabinet composed entirely of Fascists in Italy -
1925 Birth
born in Allsboro, Alabama in the country t she was a fraternal twin she had 3 sisters and 1 brother. -
Mom had yellow fever, Max Thaler discoverdan effective vaccine against yellow fever Thaler received the Nobel prize in Physioligy of Medicine. -
High school graduation
Graduated from high school the Great Depression ends in the United States with unemployment figures falling due to World War 2 related employment. -
Graduation from the University of Alabama
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Graduation from college
Graduaed from the Universitof Alabamat 1893 fiorst year when womencould go to the University of Alabama. -
Married Handy Stinson moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, President Harry Truman has Congress adopt a civil rights program. -
First daughter
Gave birth to first daughter melissa Stinson Jacobs she has 2 children and 3 grandchildren. -
Moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, gene taught at Central High School the school was integrated in 1958. -
Second daughter
Second daughter was born her name is Lizanne Stinson she still lives and works in Little Rock, major news story U. S. enters the Vietnam War.. -
Third daughter
Gene gave birth to a third daughter Jessca Stinson Leste she has 2 sons, North Vietnamese torpedo.boats. -
Gene volunteered at the American Red Cross, after people donated she gave them them cookies and coke, TWA Flight 847 was hijacked in an act of terrorism.. -
Daughter Lizanne Stinson gets married a nuclear power upset happened which was part of the Soviet Union. -
Bible Study
Gene went to Bible Study Fellowship for many years and was a leader for a number of years, house impeaches President.Bill Clinton due to obstruction of justice. -
Gene Stinson dies what a precious woman that everyone loved her daughter Lizanne loves her greatly and misses her daily.