The way it beginngs...
Poe is born on January 19,1809 in Boston, MA. The same year that Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin are born -
1810 His parents divorce...
Mr. & Mrs. John Allan adopt Edgar
1815 Poe is sent to England for school
1820 Edgar returns to the US to continue his schooling.
Edgar attends UVA
Poe Drops out of UVA because John Allen won't give him money
Poe writes his first book, "Tamerlane & other Poems
Poe can't support himself so he joins the US Army
Mrs. Allan dies, Edgar returns home, John Allan & he temporaily reconciles. Poe applies to West Point
Poe gets kicked out of West Point
After many rejections, Poe wins a contest, gets a job & publishes "Manuscript Found in a Bottle
Poe marries his cousin Virgina, she is 13
Poe writes "The Fall of the House of Usher"
"The Murders in the Rue Morgue"
Poe moves back to New York
The Raven is published
Virigina dies from tuberculosis
Poe dies - cause unknown