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Life and time of Bernard Shaw
The Birth of Bernard Shaw
Bernard Shaw was born on 33 Synge Street, Dublin -
He moves in with musical conductor
Began sharing house with musical conducter George Lee -
Began attending various schools in Dublin
He attended Wesely college, which was ran by the Methodist Church. -
Mother Divorces
His mother leaves and divorces his father to become a singing teacher in London. -
Sister Dies
Resigns post in Dublin and moves to London after his sister Agnes dies of tuberculosis -
Period: to
Begins Writing Carear
Begins working as a music critic for newly establish Edison telephone company, occupation lasts 1882. He writes five novels during this time. -
Meets first love
Meets Alice Lockett who is the first of his many lovea affairs. -
Joins Fabian society
Join Fabian society and becomes leading member as well as public spokesperson. Serves as a platform spellbinder. -
Seurrenders Virginity
Period: to
Began book review carear
Becomes regular book reviewer for Pall Mall Gazelle, and begins to write music. -
Music Critic
Begins writing music criticism for "The Star" under the pen name Corno De Bessetto. -
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Writing of Plays
Shaw completes all seven of his plays in the Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant group and his Three Plays for Puritans -
His First Successful Play
First public performance of "Widower's Houses" at the Independent Theatre Company -
Theatrical Success
Immediate theatrical success, after his work's presentation in America by Richard Mansfield -
Second Affair
Begins second affair, this time with Ellen Terry, and gets a job at Saturday Review as a theatre Critic. -
Marries Charlotte Payne Townshend, an Irish heiress. A happy marriage. -
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"Comedy and Philosophy"
Composed his "Comedy and Philosophy" sharing his religious views. -
Period: to
New Plays
Composed new plays such as "John Bull's Other Island" and "Major Barbara" -
Falls in love with Stella Campbell, which threatens his marriage. -
English production of "Pygmalion"
First English production of "Pygmalion". (Was originally shown in Vienna in 1913) -
write Heartbreak House
Visits Western Front -
Back to Methusulah
5 play cycle on evolution complete. -
Completes St. Joan
Opens in the Garrick theater NY,NY. -
Nobel Prize in Liturature
Intelegent Womans Guide to Socialism and Capitalism.
Wrote for sister-in-law -
begins writing Political Extraviganza
Continues writing untill the last years of his life. -
Period: to
Travels again
Travels to Russia and New Zealand allong with 6 other voyages -
Fist Pygmalion Movie
first Major Barbara Movie
Wife dies
Charllotte dies of cronic bones Disease. -
House Accepted by National Trust
Made Freedman of Dublin
Wrote Shakes versus Shav
A puppet play -
After final lay Why She Would Not in July falls pruning a tree and trama from fall lead to death.