Franklin is born in Boston, Massachusetts
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Ben Franklin is apprenticed to his brother, James Franklin, and runs away to Philadelphia
Franklin purchases the Pennsylvania Gazette
Franklin marries Deborah Read Rogers
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Poor Richard's Almanack is published by Benjamin Franklin
Franklin invents Franklin Stove
Franklin retires from printing (The Almanack is still published)
Franklin helps to found the University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia city hospital, invents the lightning rod, and publishes "Experiments and Observations on Electricity"
Battle of Fort Duquesne
Franklin represents Pennsylvania at the Albany Congress
French and Indian war begins
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French and Indian war
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Franklin is Pennsylvania's agent in London
French and Indian war ends with peace treaty.
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Franklin is agent for the colonies in London
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Sugar Act (1764), Stamp Act (1765), Stamp Act repealed (1766), Townshend Acts (1767)
Boston Massacre
Death of Franklin's wife
Intolerable Acts
Franklin is elected as Pennsylvania Delegate to the Second Continental Congress
The American Revolution begins, and Washington is appointed general of the Continental Army
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American Revolution
Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense, and Franklin and four other delegates are elected to draft the Declaration of Independence.
Benjamin Franklin plus four other delegates draft the Declaration of Independence, and Franklin travels to france as an american commissioner.
Washington crosses the Delaware River
France becomes allied with America
Franklin is appointed US plenipotentiary to France, and signs treaties with France
Franklin invents Bifocals
The revolution ends, and Franklin is appointed to negotiate peace with Britain
Franklin signs the Treaty of Paris
Franklin leaves France and is elected President of the executive council of Pennsylvania
Washington becomes President
Franklin signs anti-slavery petition to Congress, and dies later that year.