The Latham Coaster

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I'd say the day I came into my mother's life, it was pretty life-changing, definitely for the better.
  • Mom and StepDad Marriage

    Mom and StepDad Marriage
    Consciously, I couldn't truly remember much about this, however, their marriage played a major part in shaping my life.
  • Brayden's Teeth

    Brayden's Teeth
    I will always remember the day my brother knocked out his two front teeth when he was bike riding. Thankfully we can all laugh about it now, but finding him the right teeth was always a constant theme throughout life.
  • Adopted Dexter!

    Adopted Dexter!
    Dexter is my cat, he's practically ancient at this point and yet he's still always making an impact on my family's life.
  • I started Kindergarten

    I started Kindergarten
    I would definitely say my education had a major impact on my family, especially since I started at such a young age.
  • Chase and Caden moved to California

    Chase and Caden moved to California
    When my stepbrothers had to move in with their mom in California it impacted my step dad a lot.
  • Traverse City Trip

    Traverse City Trip
    This was the first family trip we had since Chase and Caden had moved and it was nice to see them again.
  • The recession of 2008

  • We Adopted Wrigley

    We Adopted Wrigley
    Wrigley is my dog and she often has provided a beam of happiness in my family during hard times.
  • My Dad's divorce

    My Dad's divorce
    When my stepmom divorced my dad I lost my two stepsisters and stepbrother which was a huge change for my 8-year-old self
  • Washington D.C/ NYC Trip

    Washington D.C/ NYC Trip
    This was my first time visiting the big city and truly experiencing culture outside of Michigan.
  • We Moved to Byron Center

    We Moved to Byron Center
    This was a major event for our family. Especially for my brother and I since we had to meet all new friends.
  • Sandy Hook Shooting

  • Dealing with Migraines

    Dealing with Migraines
    In 6th grade, I was regularly going to the hospital to get testing done due to my migraines. This made life very difficult for my mom and I.
  • Our House Burnt Down

    Our House Burnt Down
    When our house burnt down we had to restart our lives because we lost every single one of our belongings besides what we were wearing.
  • My Grandpa Tom had a heart attack

    My Grandpa Tom had a heart attack
    This event was very hard on my mom but it also helped my grandpa focus on his health and finally stop smoking.
  • No longer having a relationship with my dad

    No longer having a relationship with my dad
    My brother and I finally were able to get away from my dad's toxic influence and become better people than he was.
  • Trump was elected president

  • My Mom's Divorce

    My Mom's Divorce
    When my mom divorced my stepdad it was the hardest year of our lives. My mom was trying to regain confidence and became self-reliant.
  • Got my License!

    Got my License!
    Getting my license was extremely beneficial towards my family as I could independently get myself to places whenever I needed it.
  • Senior Year Auditions

    Senior Year Auditions
    Senior year has been incredibly stressful for my mom and I as we both have had to travel while managing the auditions.