United We Stand: 9/11
The U.S. was attacked by terrorist throughout the East coast. The most damaged was the falling of both Twin Towers, marking thousands of death and a day no one will ever forget. -
My life: 9/11
I rememeber waking up and hearing about it on the news back in the 7th grade. All I could do was cry and hope it would be over. The whole school spent the whole day watching the news and the teachers would try and help to explain what was going on. This day will never be forgotten and it would mark a change in America for years to come. -
American Idol
American Idol premiered on Fox in 2002. This was a talent show that would launch many successful music artists such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood. It would change the dynamics of reality show and pop music. -
Kelly Clarson
When American Idol came, I was really skeptical but Kelly Clarkson made me love the show. The first season was the only one I watched but it was interesting to see the country so lured into the show. The show is still popular and people still talk about it. It certainly changed how you can vote for your favorite pop star. -
The Iraq War
President Bush (US) declared war on Iraq, claiming that it held Weapons of Mass Destruction and was determined to shut down any nuclear activities, including terrorist activities. This war would last for many years until President Obama pulled troops out in 2011. -
My War
I remembered watching Bush make his speech and thinking the war would be over as quickly as possible. This war has affected me for the last 10 years of my life and I find it so bizarre how the reasons to invade has changed over the years. Nevertheless, the war did have some success and some failures but it will definately be forever in my memories. -
Facebook, a social network site, launched on this date and would change the dynamics of social networking. It is the most popular social website, especially for those in the young age. As of April 2012, it has more than 900 million uses. -
Facebook me!
Although I did not know about Facebook until I entered college, in 2011, this is a major event in my life! Mostly because it has changed the term of "socializing." Through this site, I can post pictures, chat with friends, and keep in touch with everyone I have met. I also spend way too many hours on the site. The movie "The Social Network" also became a pop icon movie. I love facebook and it is a great way to keep in touch with people you meet. -
Creation of Youtube
A user-generated video content sharing website called YouTube is created and changes the way the world views videos. This would help with expanding sources, allowing old video clips, speeches, and music to be accessible to any users. -
Youtube is probably one of my favorite things that has happened in the last 10 years or so. I love how I can get any clips from anything, whether it is educational or not.It has certainly allow me to connect to the older times and the generations that came before me, especially through music. -
Death of Saddam Hussein
Saddam Hussein, the fifth president of Iraq was captured and hung for the death and murder of 148 Shiites back in 1982. He was also accoused of possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction, leading to the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. -
The Hanging of Hussein
I remember watching this on TV and it seemed like it was a victory for everyone around the world, especially those in Iraq and those in the U.S. I believe the U.S. finally was relieved of finding this man and having a victory for once during the last few years. -
Nancy Pelosi
California Democrat Nancy Pelosi becomes the first woman speaker of the House and will preside over the 100th Congress. Democrats take control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994 -
Oh Nancy.
I was so excited to see a woman being the Speaker of House and I got to witness it. It marked a huge evolvement of the human race: finally a woman gets a chance to show that gender does not affect many jobs and that any woman can make important decisions. I was proud and I believe America was proud too. -
Michael Phelps
Michael Phelps surpasses Mark Spitz in Gold Medals won at a single Olympics, winning eight gold medals during the Bejing Summer Olympics. He holds many records in swimming. -
Phelps you flying man!
I remember monitoring and watching every meet with Phelps. He really brought patriotism to the country during the Games and it was a thrill to watch him make history. He is definately a good role model as an athlete and he made swimming so endearing! -
Obama: the First Black President
America elects their First Black President as Barack Obama is made the 44th President of The United States, marking the winning of the Democrats after 8 years of George Bush. -
Obama: My First Voting President!
This was the first election I got to vote in and what a way to start! Obama made history by being elected and he certainly "rocked the vote" with the youth demographics. Through his campaigning, the youth demographic had one of the highest voters turnout in history. He marked hope and change for me and though it has been a rough journey, I still admire and resepct him. -
Volcano in Iceland
The volcano in Iceland after several eruptions, stopped air traffic around Europe. Many flights were delayed and cancelled. -
Volcano Go Away
I chose this because I remember it so well. I was suppose to go to Europe during July and I was scared that the volcano would get in the way, especially since experts predicted that the smoke and debris will affect flight affairs for months after. Luckily, it cleared and I got my European adventuers. -
Osama bin Laden is Caught and Killed
Osama bin Laden, a fugitive that the U.N was looking for after his charges of violence, especially with the attacks of the U.S. on 9/11, is finally caught and killed. U.S. troops and CIA operatives shoot and kill Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. This marked a victory for the U.S. -
Osama: Finally
I remember being really happy because after 10 years of searching, we finally caught the man responsible for September 11. This marked a huge day in victory, in history as the whole nation celebrated a death of a man. Not because he died, but because he finally took responsibility for his action. Although we cannot forget 9/11. we can certainly find some justice and move on.