
The last of the Tsar's

By lhar
  • Birth of Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov

    Birth of Nikolay Alexandrovich Romanov
  • Period: to

    The Life and Death of Nikoli II

  • Birth of Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich

    Birth of Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich
    The next in line to the throne this was Nikoli II little brother.
  • Birth of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich

    Birth of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich
  • Death of Alexander II

    Death of Alexander II
    This was Nikolay's grandfather. Alexander III became the Tsar
  • Birth of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovich

    Birth of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovich
  • Marriage of Alexandra Feodorovna

    Marriage of Alexandra Feodorovna
  • Birth of Daughter Olga

    Birth of Daughter Olga
  • Corination of Nikolay

    Corination of Nikolay
  • Birth of Taytana

    Birth of Taytana
  • Birth of Maria

    Birth of Maria
  • Death of Crown Prince George Alexandrovich

    Death of Crown Prince George Alexandrovich
  • Strike

    The goverment warns agianst organised marches after 120,000 workers strike in St. Petersburg
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Six days after the first strike 150,000 workers on strike and their familes march through St. Petersburg for a protest agianst the Tsar. They where shot and killed by the army.
  • Assination of Moscow Governer, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovch

    Assination of Moscow Governer, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovch
  • The Manifesto to the Improvment of the State Order

    The Manifesto to the Improvment of the State Order
    This would grant the need for the Duma's consent to pass laws , also to widen the people in the Duma's to include all of the Russians. There was a big celebration about the new freedom which ends in street fights.
  • Mutinies

    The begening of Russian mtines: October 26-27 The Kronstadt Mutiny October 30-31 The Vladivostok Mutiny
  • Honor

    The Tsar and his son are given honorary membership to the Union of the Russian People
  • Death of the Romanovs

    Death of the Romanovs
    This room is where the Romnovs where brutally slaughtered