The lagacy of toast

  • First day.

    Mood: Nervous-ish, Learned metacognition.
  • Period: to

    School year

    I learned stuff.
  • Period: to

    hackie sack season:D

  • Light Show

    Marching band event. :D
  • started reading zombie survival guide

    started reading zombie survival guide
  • Finished reading zombie survival guide

    Finished reading zombie survival guide
  • Christmas :D :D :D :D

    Christmas :D :D :D :D
  • Back from christmas break

    Back from christmas break
  • Paul the movie came out.

    Paul the movie came out.
    Most kick ace little alien on this planet.
  • My Birthday :D

    My Birthday :D
    the day i was born, what is there to explain.
  • Started my war story.

  • Gotzed my new ipod.

    8gb ipod nano, 6th gen
  • Osama Bin Laden killed :D

    it only took us 10 years.
  • SRI

    made a 1220.
  • Historical fiction turned in.

    My bad ass stroy.
  • Learned how to use this sight.

  • Visited my aunt.

    She doesnt have much longer. T_T
  • went longboarding with Stephen

    went longboarding with Stephen
    we went to the park, and did 2 laps on longboards.
  • Truth Alert!!!!!!!!!! read description.

    Truth Alert!!!!!!!!!! read description.
    always tighten the trucks on your longboard before bombing a hill, i almost fell off mine because my longboard was set for sharp turns.
  • Last day of School

    Mood: Freaking Excited.