International Ladies Garment Workers Union
A worker's union supporting/ representing women workers. -
Open Shop
One is not required to join and/or support a union for employment. -
An agreement that is followed. -
Period: to
Labor Movement
International Workers of the World
Opposed capitalism and advocated Socialism; but represented opression. -
International Workers of the World
The IWW is a group of people that belive that the wage system should be abolished. The date is when the union was formed. -
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
A fire was started in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Most workers were not able to escape because the managers of the building had locked the stairwell doors and exits. -
Department of Labor
Responsible for wage and hour standards. -
Clayton Act
A law that phrohibited undue restriction of trade & commerce. -
Ludlow Massacre
Thugs were hired by coal operators to massacre the miners and their familiys from a small town, Ludlow, in Colorado. The miners were trying to join the UMWA, they were declined by the coal operators. -
World War 1
Started with the assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian nationalist. Led to the out break of threats and mobilization orders. -
Adamson Act
Woodrow Wilson had declared that rail-road workers would work 8-hour shifts. -
American Federation of Labor
The Death of Samual Goppers; He was the labor leader until he had died. The American Federation of Labor would help workers rights. -
Samuel Gompers
Founder of the American Federation of Labor. -
Eugene V. Debs
A union leader who a founding member of the industrial world. Fought for the rights of workers. Most known for being a public speaker. -
The Great Depression
The big crashing of the stock market leaving people with out jobs and enought money. -
Yellow Dog Contract
A contract where a employee agrees with the employer not to join a union in order to be/stay employed. -
Mother Jones
Marry Harris "Mother" Jones was a famous organizer for the orginizations 'Knights of Labor', 'United Mine Workers' & organized a childrens march because she was upset about the lax enforcement of child labor laws. -
Davis-Baron Act
Contracters would repair/alter federal buildings with a federal contract. -
Norris- LaGuardia Act
A banning of Yellow Dog contracts (States that laborers should agree not to join the labor union). The workers are free to join any union they wish. -
Committee of Industrial Organizations
A union that soon joined up with the AFL to help workers. -
Closed Shop
Stated that only union members were hired if they were bound by internal union rules. -
Collective Bargaining
Working regulations are negotiated between the employer and their employees. -
Wagner Act
Protects the emolyees rights to discuss work issues, take part in strikes, etc. -
Minumum Wage
The lowest pay a worker can recieve for working hourly -
Fair Labor Stnadards Act
Laws that are making work improved. Establishes minimum wage, youth employment, part-time workers, etc. -
Emma Goldman
Emma was an Anarchist who wanted freedom. She believed that the organization of the economy and politics was not fair.