Eugene V. Debs
He was one of the founders of the Industrial Workers of the World and also found the American Railway Union He ran for the Socialist Party president in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 (he ran in 1920 from jail) -
International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU)
The biggest labor union made up of primarily female members. Was founded by the union memebers themselves. -
Samuel Gompers
He founded the American Federation of Labor union and was their president until his death in 1924 -
Mother Jones
Organized the mine workers and their families against the mine owners and was considered one of the most dangerous woman in America -
Minimum Wage
Strong social appeal to make income equal -
International workers of the World (IWW)
Was the international union that was against the AFL -
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Killed 146 garment workers but also created a better working enviorment for all busniesses to prevent this from happening again -
Department of Labor
A cabinet in the federal government of the U.S. that is responsible for many things going along with a job, hours, wages, benefits, all that type of stuff. It was signed by President William Howard Taft on this date. -
Ludlow Massacre
When Colorado National Gaurs and gaurds for the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company attacked coal miners and their families -
WWI (World War One)
Alliances made throughout Europe broke out war as tensions rised and the Archduke Fraz Ferdinand was assasinated. -
Clayton Act
It added further substance to the already U.S. anit-trust law -
Adamson Act
Established an 8 hour working day and extra pay for overtime -
Emma Goldman
An activist who helped women with their rights such as giving women brith control -
Open Shop
A job where joining or suppourting a union is not a requirement. This was a key comoponent of the American Plan in the 1920's -
Great Depression
A world wide economic depression in the decade before World War 2. The stock market crashed on this date. -
Davis Bacon Act
States federal law to pay the local prevailing wages. Was passed by Congress on this date. -
Yellow Dog Contract
A agreement between a employee and employer that that the employee could not be a memeber of a labor union. This was outlawed in 1932 -
Norris LaGuardia Act
It banned yellow dog contracts -
AFL (American Federation of Labor)
American Federation of Labor which was one of the first unions in America founded in Columbus, Ohio in May, 1886. They expelled the CIO in 1935 due to the fact that the AFL opposed industrial unionism. -
Wagner Act
Was created to make a national labor relations board -
Collective Bargaining
Negotiations between employees and employers to regulate working conditions. Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote a letter to the National Federation of Federal Employees on his opposition to the government or public employee unions in 1937. -
It is a employee and employer agreement that says the specifics of the job and is signed -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Made the 44 hour 7-day work week, established the national minimum wage, gaurenteed a certain overtime for jobs, and didn't allow emplyoment of minors. -
CIO (Congress of Industrial Orginizations)
Founded by John L. Lewis, it was a federation of unions that organized industrial unions in the U.S. and Canada. It was found originially found in 1935 and was the Committee for Industrial Orginization. -
Closed Shop
A union security agreement saying that the employer can only hire employees that are in that union and have to remain in the union in order to keep the job. It became illegal in 1942 due to the Taft-Hartley Act