1st korea map

The Koreas

  • Japanese rule

    Japanese rule
    Japanese take over Korea and make it their colony.
  • End of WWII andm Potsdam Conference

    End of WWII andm Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdome Conference was the meeting of the US and the Soviet Union at the end of WWII. They decided to split Korea along the 38th parallel and each govern half of the country.
  • Russia takes North Korea

    Russia takes North Korea
    Communist Russian forces take over North Korea.
  • USA enters South Korea

    USA enters South Korea
    American forces occupy South Korea.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Armies of North Korea attack South Korea with hopes of uniting Korea under communist rule. South Korea fights back and the Korean war begins.
  • Korean War ends

    Korean War ends
    The Korean War ends but without a victory. A treaty is formed between the two countries called the Korean Armistic Agreement in order to cease the fighting.
  • Kim Jong II

    Kim Jong II
    Kim Jong II takes control of Korea when his father dies.
  • Summit betwen North and South Korea

    Summit betwen North and South Korea
    A summit is held between the leaders of North and South Korea. Another will be held in 2007.
  • Kim Jong Un

    Kim Jong Un
    Kim Jon II appoints his third son, Kim Jong Un, to be the ruler of North Korea when he passes away.