The Korean War

  • Entering the War

    The war began with North Korea (backed by the Soviet Union and China) invading South Korea (backed by America). Two days afterward, the U.S. and other United Nations members joined in an attempt to keep communism contained.
  • U.S. Captures Pyongyang

    U.S. forces march on the North Korean capital of Pyongyang and take control of it.
  • China Pushes Back

    Just days after the U.S. captured Pyongyang, China formally joins the war and pushes them behind the 38th parallel.
  • General MacArther Fired

    Legendary American General Douglas MacArthur is fired after disagreeing with President Truman on whether or not to bomb China.
  • Truce but not Unification

    The Korea's agree to stop fighting each other and establish a neutral border between them, but unification efforts have failed throughout the years and they still remain divided.