The Korean War

  • Korea is divided

    Korea is divided
    Korea was divided into 2 countries on the 38th parallel and separately they were both enforced by the Russians (N.Korea) and the U.S. (S.Korea).
  • 'Truman Doctrine' Speech

    'Truman Doctrine' Speech
    Harry Truman gives his speech called the "Truman Doctrine" which states he would assist any country that is menaced by communism.
  • North and South Korea Separate

    By this year, the communist Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the North and the non - communist Republic of Korea in the South, identified as two separate countries.
  • War Begins

    The war began when North Korea invaded South Korea, however, at the time South Korea didn't have a strong enough army to stop them and defend themselves.
  • China Joins the War

    On this day China joined the war in North Korea's defense.
  • Summer of Terror

    Summer of Terror
    South Korean president, Syngman Rhee, ordered for more than 100,000 people to be executed because he feared they would become communist, this is remembered as the Summer of Terror.
  • U.S Troops Help S.Korea

    Harry Truman stayed true to his word and sent U.S. troops to South Korea in oder to stop communism from spreading.
  • General Douglas MacArthur is Fired

    President Truman expressed his concern about China attacking, MacArthur reassured him of this not being likely. In November 1950 Chinese troops crossed North Korean borders driving American troops back into South Korea. This lead to a dispute over whether they should bomb China. After MacArthur was fired Matthew Ridgeway took his place.
  • The Korean Armistice Agreement Was Signed

    A truce was signed to stop the war temporarily, not necessarily peace. The war has not ended it was simply put at a pause.