Period: to
Japanese Occupation of Korea
Japan annezes Korea and loses it in 1945, a while after their defeat in WWII. -
Founding of Korean Socialist Party
The Korean Socialist Party is founded at Khabarovsk with the aid of the Bolsheviks. -
Devotional Services Begin
Devotional services for 49 days start on January 5, 1919 to prepare for a movement demanding Korean self-determination. -
Period: to
The Cairo Conference
China, U.S., and Great Britain meet to address the position of the Allies against Japan. They also meet to determine the future of post-war Asia. -
Japan Surrenders
Japan surrenders to the U.S. after two atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As a result, Korea is finalyl liberated. -
The Bureau's Replacement
The Soviets replace the Bureau with the Provisional People's Committee for North Korea. -
Representative Democratic Council
On February 14, 1946 the US Military Government set up the advisory Representative Democratic Council with Syngman Rhee as chairman. -
Communist Stike in Busan
The communists hold a strike of 8,000 railroad workers over wages, rice rations, and housing. -
Korean National Constitution
The Korean People's Council in Pyongyang announce a Korean National Constitution. -
First General Election
The first general election was held on May 10th. 198 representatives were elected with 100 North Korean representative seats left empty, -
Syngman Rhee is Elected President
The National Assemply elect Syngman Rhee president. -
The Birth of the ROK
The Administration of the Republic of Korea is established and is recognized as a nation later that year, in December. -
Period: to
The Prosecution of Communist Empathizers
The ROK arrests 80,710 communist guerrillas and agitators. A third of the ROK Army is also dismissed because of they are suspected of supporting communism. -
A Noteworthy Achievement
Premier Kim Il-Sung addressed the secondary plenary session of the Supreme People's Assembly and states that the People's Economic Plan of 1948 was a successful achievement. -
Soviet-Korean Economic and Cultural Assistance Agreement
The Soviet-Korean Economic and Cultural Assistance Agreement is signed, which includes the supplying of military equipment. -
Guerrilla Fighting Near the 38th Parallel
Guerrilla fighting at Kaesong (near the 38th parallel) breaks out; it was started by the South. Syngman Rhee releases a press statement asking the US to aid in suppressing Communist aggression. -
Threats of Atomic Warfare
On 5 April 1950, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) issued orders for the retaliatory atomic bombing of Manchurian PRC military bases, if either their armies crossed into Korea or if PRC or KPA bombers attacked Korea from there. The President ordered the transfer of nine Mark 4 nuclear bombs to the Air Force's Ninth Bomb Group, the designated carrier of the weapons, and signed an order to use them against Chinese and Korean targets, which he never transmitted. -
General MacArthur is Relieved
Commander in Chief Truman relieves the controversial General MacArthur of military duty. General MacArthur is controversial because of some of the mistakes he made during the war, leading to serious allied losses. -
North Korean Diplomats are Arrested
Kim Il-Sung sends 3 North Korean Diplomats to South Korea. These diplomats are arrested by the South and as a result, the North attacks the South. -
The Start of the Korean War
A war between the North and South (Korea) starts. The United Nations support the South, while the North is supported by the Peoples Republic of China. -
Seoul National University Hospital Massacre
North Korean soldiers commit the Seoul National University Hospital Massacre. Members of the South Korean National Assembly stay in Seoul, while 48 of them switch to the North. -
The UN Security Council Condemns North Korean Invasion
the United Nations Security Council unanimously condemned the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea. -
The Bombing of the Han River Bridge
South Korea bombs the bridge across the Han River to stop the North Korean army. -
Bodo League Massacre
Syngman Rhee ordered for the execution of communist sympathizers and others at the Bodo League because of a Nort Korean Attack. -
Seoul Falls to the North
Seoul is invaded by the North. -
The Bombing of North Korea
The USAF (United States Air Force) drops 625 tons of bombs on North Korea. The bombing resulted in the destruction of all substantial North Korean buildings and turned villiages in to wastelands. -
3 Possible Plans for Atomic Warfare
On 6 December 1950, after the Chinese intervention repelled the UN Command armies from northern North Korea, General J. Lawton Collins (Army Chief of Staff), General MacArthur, Admiral C. Turner Joy, General George E. Stratemeyer, and staff officers Major General Doyle Hickey, Major General Charles A. Willoughby, and Major General Edwin K. Wright, met in Tokyo to plan strategy countering the Chinese intervention; they considered three potential atomic warfare scenarios. -
An Armistice Agreement
An armistice agreement is signed to stop the fighting. The war was never officially ended through a treaty.