
The Klan

  • The Ku Klux Klan was Founded

    The Ku Klux Klan was Founded
    The KKK was founded in Pulaski, Tennesee by six Confedarate veterans, it was a secret society. It changed from a secret society to a violent know group, that tried to change the Reconstruction Era in the South, terrorizing African American.
  • KKK Attack

    KKK Attack
    5oo masked men attacked an Union county jail in South Carolina, they lynched eight black prisoners.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1871

    Civil Rights Act of 1871
    The Civil Rights Act of 1871 or The Ku Klux Klan Act ended the KKK. It made it a crime to take away equal protection under the law from any citizen by force. This act was established to protect southern blacks from the Ku Klux Klan by giving a remedy for all the crimes agains blacks in the South.
  • Second Incarnation of the KKK

    Second Incarnation of the KKK
    The secong incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 by William J. Simmons. It was founded in Stone Mountain, Georgia.The new Klan didn’t only direct its activity against African Americans, also immigrants, Jews, and Roman Catholics.
  • Four Black School Girls Killed in Birmingham

    Four Black School Girls Killed in Birmingham
    A bomb exploded during Sunday morning service in the Baptist Church in Birmingham.Robert Chambliss, a Klan member, was charged with murder and with buying 122 sticks of dynamite. Four black girls died in this attack.