1st event hassan cleft lip
This event is when hassan get his cleft lip fixed. In roughly the year 1975 the day of hassan birthday his gift was to fix his cleft lip. This gift was from baba and was quite strange since he was servant and not his own son. It also shows how much baba cares for hassan and how much amir is sometimes jealous of hassan. -
2nd kite context
the kite runner context was a important event for amir to get attention from baba.Its also important because it tells about amir nightmare wit the sea monster and the lake.It also show how important the kite runner context is to every child in afghanistan. Plus it overshadows what happens next to hassan and amir. -
3rd event hassan raped
This event is important because it shows how coward amir is. And how ruthless assef is. Its also something that will forever haunt amir. and it shows how hearted hassan is because he is still willing to be friends.this also start a relationship with amir and baba because he finally impressed his father. -
4rd event amir 13th birthday
This marks amir becoming a man and how far down his relationship with hassan has been.It also shows what type of a man asserf is because of the way he acts around with his parents and baba. Plus it also says that rahim khan knows of the incident with hassan It also overshadows what Amir will do next to get rid of hassan. and it also highlights how miserable is life is with living with the incidents -
5th event hassan leaving
This is very important event because it marks hassan leaving. and it also shows ali knew about the incident as wel. Plus it shows how far amir is willing to go to get rid of hassan. and it also shows how much baba cares and it ends the relation ship between ali and baba. -
6th amir leaving his home
This marks the day amir leaves afghanistan. It shows how much of a coward man he has become. and how rough baba has become especially with his relationship with amir.and it also starts a new chapter for amir. -
7th event amir moves into america
this marks the new chapter for amir and baba. they move to america and leave everything behind with them. they move into freemont california were vmany other afghans live.its a rough start for both of them but amir enjoys the new fresh start. -
8th event asmir gets a all from rahim khan
this is a key event because it he gets a call from rahim khan an old friend and he reavels all his secrets that baba has kept from his.this also marks how life has been going in afghnastian and pakistan. and what has happened to hassan -
9th event amir rescues hassan son
this markes the kind of guilt amir feels with hassan and it shows his willingness to find redemption. it also reveals all his sins his father has comited and what has happened to assef. -
10th event sohrab crooked smile
It finally marks the releationship betwwen sohrab and amir. and sohrab finally smiles after a very long time. and it shows what kind of life he has in america. and he finally learns to forgive amir.