Amir is born, and his mother dies during childbirth
Hassan is born, and his mother runs away, leaving Ali alone with Hassan
Baba starts to build an orphanage
The orphanage is complete and Amir is 8
Amir writes his first short story
Assef hits Hassan with a rock
Baba gets Hassan a kite for his birthday
Hassan has surgery to fix his harelip surgery
Amir and Hassan win the kite flying tournament and Hassan gets raped later that day
Amir celebrates his 13th Birthday
Hassan and Ali leave
Rahim Khan gives Amir a leather-bound notebook
The Russians invade Afghanistan so Baba and Amir leave
Baba and Amir move to San Francisco
Amir graduates high school
Amir meets Soraya
Amir and Soraya get married
Baba is diagnosed with lung cancer
Baba dies
Amir and Soraya move into an apartment in Fremont
Amir's first novel is published
Rahim Khan calls Amir to tell him he is sick