The kite Runner, history of Afghanistan

  • Baba Is born

    In 1933, Amirs father, Baba is born and soon lives to help build an orphanage, become one of the richest and toughest people in the town and help Amir through tuff situations. " In 1933, the year baba was born and the year Zahir Shah began his 40 year reign of Afghanistan... My father once wrestled a black bear in Baluchistan with his bear hands." (12,24)
  • Ali's parents are killed in a car crash

    On their way to Pagham, Ali's parents are killed in a car crash and Ali survives as a baby and is taken in by baba. " they struck and killed a Hazara husband and wife." (24)
  • Zahir Shash becomes king

    Zahir Shash becomes king
    After Amanullah ends his reign as king, Zahir Shash comes in as the new king of Afghanistan, soon be leader of Afghanistan for 40 years and keep the country going stable.
  • Babas father is killed

    Babas father a judge is killed in Kabul in a break in and is stabbed when baba is little, " If thou art indeed my father, then hast thou stained thy sword in the life-blood of thy son."(29)
  • Hassan stands up for Amir

    Hassan stands up for Amir
    when Assef is bullying Amir, Hassan points a slingshot at him causing him to flee. " Hassan held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef's face... This isn't the end for you Amir. "(42)
  • Sofia Akrami dies

    Sofia Akrami, Amirs mother dies giving birth to Amir. " While my mother hemorrhaged to death during childbirth." (6)
  • Hassan is born a year after Amir is born and Amir's mother dies

    Amir is in the shack where Hassan was born in the winter of 1964 and a year after Amir's mother died giving birth to him. " IT was there in that little shack, that Hassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me." (6)
  • The Afghan Communist Party forms

    In 1965 the Afghan communist group secretely forms under the leadership of Babrak Karmal, and Nur Mohammad Taraki.
  • Khan overthrows Mohammad Zahir Shah

    Khan overthrows the old king in a military coup, the democratic party of Afghanistan comes to power as Khan declares himself king.
  • Amir writes his first short story

    Amir writes his first short story
    Amir completes his first short story in 30 minutes. He gives it to Rahim Khan to review when baba wouldn't. " I have enjoyed your story very much, mashallah, god has granted you a special talent." (32)
  • Baba gives Hassan an unforgettable gift

    Baba gives Hassan an unforgettable gift
    Baba always gives Hassan a birthday present but this year he gave something extra special, plastic surgery for his cleft lip. " My job is to fix things on peoples bodies... This is an unusual present but will last you forever" (45,46).
  • Khan grants womens rights

    Khan grants womens rights
    Khan proposes a new constitution that grants women rights and works to modernize the largely communist state. He forces people who wont help him in the government out.
  • Hassan gets raped

    Hassan is cornered in an alley when the bully's Assef and his 2 friends rape him while Amir watches unsurely." Your father won't find out... There's nothing sinful about teaching a lesson to a donkey."(75)
  • Amir is born

    Amir, the protagonist and main character of the novel is born, "I became what I am today at the age of 12, on a frigid overcast day, in the winter of 1975." (1)
  • Khan, the president of Afghanistan dies

    Khan is killed in a communist coup. Nur Mohammad Taraki, one of the founding members of the Afghan Communist Party, takes control of the country as president, and Babrak Karmal is named deputy prime minister. Taraki creates friendship with the soviet union.