The Kite Runner and History of Afghanistan

  • Hassan Gets His Harelip Fixed

    For Hassan's birthday, Baba gave Hassan an unusual present. He introduces Kumar who says, " 'my job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces" (Hosseini 45). Baba knows Hassan struggles with his harelip so he pays for the whole surgery showing that Baba truly loves and cares for Hassan.
  • Hassan Gets Raped

    Amir had found Hassan in an alley along with Assef. He witnesses something terrible and says, "He unzipped his jeans. Dropped his underwear. He positioned himself behind Hassan. Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper" (Hosseini 75). This is the scene where Hassan gets raped. Amir has the opportunity to save Hassan but instead his ran, showing that he is selfish and a coward.
  • Amir Frames Hassan

    Amir got cash and a watch for his birthday. In order to relieve his guilt he, "planted [his] new watch and a handful of Afghani bills under it" (Hosseini 104). Amir had so much guilt inside of him that in order to get rif of it he drove Ali and Hassan out of his house, showing another act of cowardness.
  • The USSR Invades Afghanistan

    In 1979, "the USSR invades Afghanistan on Dec. 24 to bolster the faltering communist regime."
  • Amir and Baba Leave

    Baba and Amir flee Afghanistan decide to go to America. Amir says, "I thought of the way we'd left the house where I'd lived my entire life. . ." (Hosseini 112). This quote shows that Baba and Amir believe Afghanistan is an unsafe place to be and believe America is a better place to live in.
  • Fleeing From The War

    Around "2.8 million Afghans have fled from the war to Pakistan, and another 1.5 million have fled to Iran."
  • Amir Graduates High School

    Amir had ajusted to life in America, and eventually finished high school in America. He says, "I graduated from high school at the age of twenty" (Hosseini 131). This shows significance because he could now go onto college and pursue his career of being a writer because of more opportunity presented in America.
  • Amir Falls in Love

    Amir had met a girl named Soraya and he had fallen in love. When he went to talk to her he'd " asked her a question and if she answered [they'd] be. . . well, [they'd] be chatting" (Hosseini 146). When Amir moved to America and he fell in love it shows, in a way, that Amir is becoming to grow up and mature.
  • Baba Has Cancer

    Amir caught Baba coughing up blood, he got concerned and took Baba to a doctor. The doctor then goes on to say, "As you can see, the cancer's metastasized" (Hosseini 159). Baba also refused radiation treatment showing that he thinks that Amir will do good on his own now. Baba has prepared Amir for this exact moment.
  • Help From The United States

    Around 1986 the "Mujahadeen are receiving arms from the United States."
  • Amir Gets His First Novel Published

    Amir was nervous because just because he had a agent didn't mean his novel was going to get published. He then says, "Martin called and informed me I was going to be a published novelist" (Hosseini 183). This shows significance because despite all the moments he thought he had disappointed his father because he wanted to be a writer, his work finally paid off showing determination.
  • Sohrab Is Born

    Once Amir arrives at Rahim Khan's place they start talking. Rahim gives insight by saying, "It was Sanaubar who delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990" (Hosseini 211). This is important because although Hassan's mother wasn't there for him, she still came back and tried to make up for what she did, showing an act of atonement.
  • Sanaubar Returns

    Rahim Khan continues telling Amir events that happend. He says that Sanaubar shows up and says, " I have walked long and far to see if you are as beautiful in the flesh as you are in my dreams" (Hosseini 210). This shows that Sanaubar did care for Hassan and wanted to ask for forgiveness for leaving him and ended up taking care of Hassan's son.
  • Attacking The Government

    In the year of 1992, "Mujahadeen and other rebel groups, with the aid of turncoat government troops, storm the capital."
  • The Taliban

    Islamic radicals also known as "the Taliban, rises to power on promises of peace."
  • Soviet Intervention

    In 1998, "Afghanistan, USSR, the US and Pakistan sign peace accords and Soviet Union begins pulling out troops."
  • Hassan dies

    When Amir is talking to Kahim Khan he finds out that, "they took [Hassan] to the street- -and shot him in the back of his head" (Hosseini 219). When Amir finds out Hassan was shot he probably feels even more guilt for leaving him behind.
  • Baba Dies

    Baba decides not to take his medication that night. Amir then states, "Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). By not taking his medicine Baba chose to die. Baba believed Amir was mature enough to handle his own life and Baba died being proud of Amir.
  • 9/11

    In New York on September 9th,"hijackers commandeer four commercial airplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center Towers in New York"
  • US-Led Invasion

    On October, the "US-led bombing of Afghanistan begins following the September 11 attacks on the United States."
  • A Fight

    Amir meets with the leader of the Taliban to try to save Sohrab. He soon realizes that the leader is Assef. In an attempt to save Sohrab he gets in a fight and remembers, "his brass knuckles flashing in the afternoon light; how cold they felt with the first few blows and how quickly they warmed with my blood" (Hosseini 288). Amir gets in a fight with Assef to get Sohrab, showing that Amir has matured and is not as selfish as he was toward Hassan.
  • Sohrab Tries To Commit Suicide

    Sohrab tells Amir he doesn't want to live in an orphanage again. Amir finalizes papers to bring Sohrab to America. He walks into the bathroom and he finds himself, "Screaming through [his] clenched teeth. Screaming until [he] thought [his] throat would rip and [his] chest explode" (Hosseini 343). Sohrab is already full of anger and terror, he does not wanna go back to another orphanage. When Amir fights for Sohrab to go to America he shoes an act of bravery and compassion.
  • Sohrab And Amir Bond

    Amir and his family including Sohrab go to an Afghan gathering. Amir while flying a kite with Sohrab finds himself saying," For you, a thousand times over" (Hosseini 371). This is showing that Sohrab is finally warming up to American life as well as Amir himself, showing that they will be able to continue living a normal life with Amir's half nephew.
  • Elections Are Held

    Finally in 2005, "the nation holds its first parliamentary elections in more than 30 years."
  • New US Approach

    In March of 2009, the "US President Barack Obama unveils new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. An extra 4,000 US personnel will train and bolster the Afghan army and police and there will be support for civilian development."