The Kite Runner

  • Before the book

    In the 1800s, the British controlled India, and the Russians, to the north, had their own designs on southern Asia. Between these two imperial powers sat the rugged land of Afghanistan. In time the periodic collisions of empire in that unforgiving landscape would become known as “The Great Game.” Afghanistan was alot pressure with people trying to take over left and right. Mohammed Kahn pushed aside Ahmed Shah Durrani's grandson to become the ruler of Afghanistan.
  • Where it all started

    In the book "The Kite Runner" Amir is just born. Amir's mother, Sofia Akrami, dies while giving birth. In Afghanistan A communist parties are formed and the Afghan he constitution is made. In the 1960s the prime minister of Afghanistan, Mohammad Daoud Khan, sent troops across the border to manipulate events in the area
  • The next chapter

    King Mohammad Sahir Shah, away in Italy, is overthrown by his cousin Mohammad Daoud Khan, ending "the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup". Daoud abolishes monarchy, and establishes himself as President. In the book Hassan gets surgery on his lip and amir is jealous
    And believes that Baba prefers Hassan as a son
  • Betrayal

    Afghanistan was okay until the late 1970s. and was receiving aid from both the United States and the Soviet Union. Afghanistan had economic problems, particularly a severe long-term drought in the center and north. Maintaining that King Muhammad Zahir Shah had mishandled the economic crisis and in addition a group of young military officers deposed the king and proclaimed a republic. In the book amir wins A kite tournamen and have hassan gets raped while amir does nothing but watch.
  • Goodbye

    In 1977 a new constitution is approved in which main features are the vesting of wide powers in the President as Head of State, henceforward to be elected by the Grand Assembly every six years. In the book Amir planted money in Hassan's room to make it seem like he stoled it.Hassan and Ali leave they never say why but I guess it's because they are tired of being blamed for stuff they didn't do and don't want to live in household were really can't trust anyone
  • Moving

    The Soviet Afghan War lasted over nine years. Part of the Cold War, was fought between Soviet-led Afghan forces against multi-national insurgent groups called the Mujahideen, mostly composed of two alliances – the Peshawar Seven and the Tehran Eight. The Peshawar Seven insurgents received military training in neighboring Pakistan and China,as well as weapons and billions of dollars from the United States. In the book the
    Russians invade Baba and Amir leave Afghanistan. And come to America
  • A new life

    In " Kite Runner " Amir is starting a new life and completely forgot about the one in Afghanistan he graduated from high school he work in a flea market with his father and he met a beautiful girl. While in Afghanistan A report on human rights accuses Soviet forces of "bombarding villages, destroying food supplies, massacring civilians, and disregarding the Geneva convention." The report claims that the government is holding 50,000 political prisoners
  • Tragedy

    In the book Amir and Soraya marry but are unable to have kids even though none of them have something medically wrong. baba dies of cancer and ail dies in a working mine. In Afghanistan An Afghan airliner traveling from Kabul to Farah crashes near Kandahar, killing all 52 people on board. The government blames the guerrillas for the incident.
  • More problems

    In the book Amir has his first novel accepted

    And goes on a tour for his book. life for Amir is good. Dostom, a communist general of Najibullah sees the fall of the communist government, switches sides and established the city of Mazar I Sharif as his stronghold. Also Communist government falls as the Mujahidden begin to Advance from different sides of Kabul city.
  • Taliban

    in the book The Kite Runner the story talks alot about the taliban.Taliban is an islamic fundamentalist political movement in afghanistan. it spread throughout afghanistan and formed a government ruling as the islamic emirate of afghanistan. the talibans are very ruthless animals they dont care about the people in afghanistann. The Taliban also threatens to destabilise Pakistan, where they control areas in the north-west and have been blamed for a wave of suicide bombings and other attacks.