Kite runner

The Kite Runner

  • The Ride

    The Ride
    Baba and Amir ride from Kabul to Jalalabad. This is important to the plot because it starts their journey away from Kabul. (110-111)
  • The Choke

    The Choke
    Baba chokes Karim. This is important to the story because it shows how Baba is fed up with the Russian invasion. (118)
  • The Flashback

    The Flashback
    Amir has a flashback of Hassan and realizes that he misses him greatly. This is important because it shows how Amir actually cares about Hassan. (122)
  • The Suicide

    The Suicide
    Kamal's father shoots himself in the car because Kamal dies. This is important to the novel because it shows how Amir has to go through life changing events. (124)
  • The Evacuation

    The Evacuation
    Amir and Baba leave Jalalaban for Pakistan because of the Soviet Invasion. This is important to the novel because it shows them leaving for America. (123)
  • Fairmont, California Here We Come!

    Fairmont, California Here We Come!
    Amir and Baba move to Fairmont, California. This is important to the novel because it shows how Amir is trying to forget his past in Afghanistan and start a whole new life. (125)
  • The I.D.

    The I.D.
    Storeowners ask Baba for his I.D and he gets offended because he is from Afghanistan. This is important to the novel because it shows how Baba was on the top in Afghanistan, and on the bottom in America. (127)
  • The Graduation

    The Graduation
    Amir graduates from high school in America. This is important to the novel because it shows how Amir is off to a new life in America. (131)
  • The Cancer

    The Cancer
    Baba is diagnosed with cancer. This is imortant to the novel because Amir's life will change completely with Baba seriously ill. (154)
  • The Marriage

    The Marriage
    Baba gives Amir permission to marry Soraya. This is important to the novel because Amir will finally have a chance to start a family in America. (165)
  • The Tragic Death

    The Tragic Death
    Baba dies of cancer. This is important to the novel because Baba was Amir's father and Amir finally became close with Baba. Now since Baba died, Amir will have no one to look to for help. (173)
  • The Novel

    The Novel
    Amir publishes his first novel. This is important to the novel because it shows Amir's carrer as an author begin. (182)
  • The Infertile Man

    The Infertile Man
    Amir finds out he is infertile. This is important to the novel because Amir can not have children with Soraya. This will affect Amir greatly beause he will not experience fatherhood. Also, Amir will not be able to raise his own children like Baba raised him. (185)
  • The Telephone Call

    The Telephone Call
    Rahim Khan calls Amir in California from Pakistan. He tell him that there is a way to be good again. This is important to the novel because Amir had a rough past and he wants to try and change his past. (192)
  • The Return of a Lifetime

    The Return of a Lifetime
    Amir leaves to go back to Pakistan. This is important to the novel because Amir is going back to find the way to be good again. (194)