Techenology Project

  • The First Computer Programmer

    The First Computer Programmer
    In the 1840s Ada lovelace became the first computer programmer in history. She is the one that realised that the computer could do much more than just calculations, by writing the first machine algorithm that only could be found on paper.
  • First Programmable Computer

    First Programmable Computer
    The Z1 was a programmable computer planned by Konrad Zuse, which was made in his parents home from 1936 to 1938. The Z1 was the first in a progression of computers that Konrad planned. It was first named V1 and today it's seen as the first programmable computer ever made.
  • The First Assembly Langauge

    The First Assembly Langauge
    The creator of the first assembly language is viewed and credited David J. Wheeler, who was as a piece of a team on the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer who created the language. Kathleen Booth who also is credited for the creation of the assembly language. The machine with the assembly language was done in 1949 and the principal program it ran was on 9th May.
  • Programma 101

    Programma 101
    The creative calculator, otherwise called Perottina, named after its creator, Pier Giorgio Perotto, was one of the first programmable calculators ever. Programma 101 was formally dispatched at the 1964 New York World's Fair, which stimulated incredible interest from the general population.
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    The Intel 4004 was one of the main chip at any point created, delivered in 1971. The 4004 was planned mostly by Federico Faggin,but additionally with Masatoshi Shima and others. During the improvement of the 4004, hardly any people saw the prospects of the microchips as vital parts in PCs and computers. The 4004 was made fundamentally for use in mini computers, sales registers, ATMs and other simple business systems
  • C Programming

    C Programming
    C is a programming language that is very mainstream and basic. It is an organized programming language that is machine relying and widely used to create different applications, Operating Systems like Windows, and numerous other complex projects like Oracle data set and more. C was created in the mid 1970s by Dennis Ritchie and ken thompson at Bell Labs.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft which was created by Bill gates and Paul G Allen april 4th 1975 is the biggest software development company in the world and has created many different products and computer systems that is used by millions of people everyday. Microsoft Windows which is one of the most successfull operating systems in the world was made by Microsoft in 1985 and has been used for more than 35 years.
  • World Wide Web and the browser

    World Wide Web and the browser
    Tim Berness Lee is a brittish computer scientist and he is the founder of the information system World Wide Web (www), the communication protocol Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) and the programming language HTML. World wide web, which is more reconiziable as www, is a information system which makes it possible for people to go from one page to another called hypertextdocuments. The world wide web was introduced the year 1989.