History of smartphones2

The Key Moment in Mobile Phone History

  • The Fisrt Commercial Launch

    The first cinnercial autimated cellular was launched in Japan by NTT in 1979.
  • The First Handle Mobile Phone in the US Market

    The First Handle Mobile Phone in the US Market
    It was the Motorola Dyna's 8000X
  • Period: to

    The Size and Weight are changing between 1990 and 2000

    The size and weight of cellular telephones shrank considerably between 1990 and 2000.
  • People Start Using Text Messager

    People Start Using Text Messager
    The first text in the world was sent in the UK in 1991
  • The First Smartphone: The Simon Personal Communicator

    The First Smartphone: The Simon Personal Communicator
    The Simon Personal Communicator was introduced bu IBM.
  • Nokia Launched the First GSM Cellular Technology

    Nokia Launched the First GSM Cellular Technology
  • Motorola StarTAC

    Motorola StarTAC
    The first clamshell handset in the world.
  • Nokia 9210 Communicator

    Nokia 9210 Communicator
    The Nokia 9210 Communicator procive colour main screen.
  • The First iPhone Released

    The First iPhone Released
  • iPhone 3G Released