1813 BCE
Abraham is born
1738 BCE
Abraham settles in Cannan
Abraham is called by God to leave his home for the land God will show him. God promises he will father a great nation -
1713 BCE
Issac is Born
When Abraham is 100 years old his elderly wife bears him a son, Issac just as God promised him -
1653 BCE
Jacob and Esau are born
Issac and Rebekah have twins that jostle with each other in the womb. This is symbolic of how they treat each other as they grow up -
Period: 1556 BCE to 1553 BCE
The 12 Patriarchs of Israel are born
Jacob has 12 sons with his 2 wives and 2 concubines. Their descendants make up the 12 tribes of Israel -
1545 BCE
Joseph is sold into slavery
Joseph is sold into slavery by his 10 older brothers -
1532 BCE
Joseph becomes Viceroy in Egypt
Pharaoh makes Joseph his right hand man after Joseph tells Pharaoh how to react to a coming famine -
1523 BCE
Jacob and his family go to Egypt
After Jacob learns that Joseph is ruler of Egypt he goes there to escape the famine and be reunited with his son before he dies -
1393 BCE
Moses is born
Years after Joseph died, the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews. Moses will be the one to deliver his people from oppresion -
1313 BCE
Moses receives the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai
Moses goes up to Mt. Sinai where God gives him the law of the Jewish people -
1313 BCE
The exodus
Moses leads the Hebrew people away from captivity in Eygpt to return to Canaan -
1273 BCE
The Jews cross into Canaan
The Jewish people reach the promised land after they cross over the Jordan river under Joshua's leadership -
879 BCE
The First King
After centuries of being ruled by judges and prophets the Jews ask for a king. The prophet Samuel anoints a young man named Saul -
869 BCE
David becomes King of Israel
God rejects Saul because of his disobedience and makes David, the son of Jesse, King -
833 BCE
Solomon builds the temple
Solomon builds the first house for God just as God promised his father David -
797 BCE
Solomon dies and Israel is divided
718 BCE
Elijah goes up in a chariot of fire
Elijah the prophet departs from the earth on a chariot of fire going up to heaven with only his disciple, Elisha, there to witness the event -
343 BCE
Ezra leads the second return to Israel
Ezra leads the people from Babylon back to their homeland and rebuilds the temple of the Lord -
Christ is born
The Virgin Mary gives birth to Jesus Christ in a manger in Bethlehem. -
Jesus is Crucified
Jesus is tried and handed over to the Romans. They crucify him with two other criminals on Good Friday, this is seen as one of the most important moments in the Christian Faith -
Stephen is martyred
A young man named Stephen is stoned to death and becomes the first Martyr of the Christian faith -
Apostles Peter and Paul are Martyred in Rome
Two of the greatest apostles in their time "finish their race" as Paul says to Timothy in a letter. Both are Martyred by roman authorities -
St John writes his Gospel and the book of Revelation and departs
The last of the 12 disciples John is exiled to the island of Patmos where he eventually dies of old age but not before he writes his Gospel and the Book of Reveation