
The Journey to Indpendence, for Africa

By Red12
  • Period: to

    Timespan to get Independence for Africa

  • South Africa Founded

    South Africa Founded
    Dutch from Netherlands founded this colony and used it for trde.
  • The Origin of Pan-Africanism

    The Origin of Pan-Africanism
    The movement started, for black intellectuals called for self-goverance.
  • British Take Over

    British Take Over
    The British came in and took over South Africa. Descendents of Dutch Settlers Went Worth.
  • Pan-Africanism Spread

    Pan-Africanism Spread
    Unity along all blak people happened.
  • Change was in the Air

    Change was in the Air
    Many Africans were openly opposed to continued European control of their countries.
  • After World War II

    After World War II
    Many Africans were opposed to European Rule
  • 27 Independent African Countries

    27 Independent African Countries
    Started to colonize parts of Afrifca
  • Nigeria gained Independence

    Nigeria gained Independence
    Nigeria gained its independence from Britain.
  • Kenya gained its Independence

    Kenya gained its Independence
    Kenya broke free from British rule andd became independent.
  • 47 independent Countries

    47 independent Countries
    Europeans slowly start to liberate more and more parts of Africa.
  • South African governemnt began to make changes

    South African governemnt began to make changes
    Pressure from embargo and continous resistance led to the government making changes.
  • KNAU Became Oppossed

    KNAU Became Oppossed
    It was unopposed until the 1900s. And said that changes must be made or economic assitance would be cut off.
  • Had first multi-racial elections

    Had first multi-racial elections
    Had elections and voted Nelson Mandela president.
  • Elections held to vote in government

    Elections held to vote in government
    It seemed more free and open than before but the government still remains unstable.