Chris mccandless

The Journey of Chris McCandless

  • Chris is Born

    Chris is Born
    On this day Chris was born into a broken family. The day his story will begin.
  • Chris Graduates from Emory with Honors

    Chris never wanted to attend college. His parents convinced him to go. Although not his choice, he graduated with straight A's. After he graduated he donated his extra money to an organization and this was one of the last days he will be seen by his family.
  • Chris Leaves His Datsun in Lake Mead

    Chris Leaves His Datsun in Lake Mead
    Chris' Datsun got flooded by a flash flood at Lake Mead and he took everything he could carry out of it and left on foot to hitchhike.
  • Chris meets Westerberg

    Chris meets Westerberg
    Wayne Westerberg picked Chris up one day and eventually offered him a job at the grain elevator. Wayne spoke highly of Chris stating that he was a very hard worker.
  • Chris Canoes to Mexico

    Chris Canoes to Mexico
    Chris canoes all the way down the Colorado river into Mexico. He will be arrested and a spend a night in jail when he tries to get back into the U.S.
  • Chris goes to Las Vegas

    Chris goes to Las Vegas
    When Chris arrived back in the United States he hiked to Las Vegas. He stops writing in his journal for a while when he reaches Las Vegas.
  • Chris meets Ronald Franz

    Chris meets Ronald Franz
    Ronald was extremely nice to Chris. He fell in love with Chris and eventually asked to adopt him because he was lonely. Chris influence Franz to take adventure and live more.
  • Gallien picks the Hiker up

    Gallien picks the Hiker up
    Jim Gallien agrees to drive Chris (Alex) to Anchorage which is 3 hour drive from the Stampede Trail which is Chris' goal.
  • Chris Arrives at Abandoned Bus

    Chris Arrives at Abandoned Bus
    Chris finds an abandoned bus that he will use as his shelter for his stay. He makes it his own little home in the middle of nowhere.
  • Chris Dies

    Chris Dies
    Chris McCandless will die in the bus wrapped in his sleeping bag. The journey proved difficult with the river stopping him from returning to civilization. He will be found a few weeks later by a couple of moose hunters