The Italian Renaissance 14th century – 17th century

By lreiche
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to

    Italian Renaissance

  • 1419

    The Dome of Florence Cathedral

    The Dome of Florence Cathedral
    Filippo Brunelleschi is a renown architect in the Renaissance. The Dome "...demanded great engineering skill and Filippo invented, and patented, a new hoisting machine for raising the masonry required for the dome" (“Brunelleschi..." 1).[pageGallery]/0/
  • 1425

    Holy Trinity

    Holy Trinity
    Artist Masaccio painted this as " of the best examples of the early Renaissance scientific approach to creating the convincing illusion of space within a painting" located in Florence, Italy at the church of Santa Maria Novella (“Masaccio's Holy..." 1). Link text
  • 1428


    Donatello’s bronze sculpted David is housed in the Uffizi Gallery and one of three David Sculptures. Link text
  • 1436

    Festive Motet Nuper rosarum flores,

    Festive Motet Nuper rosarum flores,
    Composer Guillaume Du Fay is a prominent figure in the musical world of the Renaissance in churches and chapels as many works were based on Gregorian chants. His work affected people in Florence, Italy as "In 1436 Dufay composed the festive motet Nuper rosarum flores, one of his most famous compositions, which was sung at the dedication of Brunelleschi's dome of the cathedral in Florence, where Eugenius lived in exile" (Guillaume 1). Link text
  • 1472


    Artist Leonardo da Vinci paints the hortus concludes which signifies the purity of Mary. Archangel Gabriel kneels front of the Virgin Mary, bringing the good news of Christ. Link text
  • 1480

    St. Francis in the Desert

    St. Francis in the Desert
    Artist Giovanni Bellini paints St. Francis in a garden with the animals he is known for being surrounded by. Link text
  • 1483

    Virgin of the Rocks

    Virgin of the Rocks
    Artist Leonardo da Vinci's Virgin of the Rocks is said that "...the patrons had requested that Leonardo include the Virgin Mary, the Christ Child, and at least one angel, but in order to give better balance to the scene Leonardo included the figure of John the Baptist as well" (“Leonardo Da..." 1). Link text
  • 1495

    Enthroned Madonna and Child with Four Saints

    Enthroned Madonna and Child with Four Saints
    Artist Giovanni Battista di Jacopo painted this piece that is currently in the Uffizi Museum in Florence, Italy. Constructive criticism from Buonafede in "...the figure of St Jerome, whose skeletal body, emaciated and scowling face and grasping hands embody the restless and anti-classical spirit of the painter’s early phase" was one of many ("Enthroned Madonna..." 1). Link text
  • 1498

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    Artist Leonardo da Vinci depicted the soul of the people as this " considered perhaps the most important mural painting in the world, 'a beautiful and marvelous thing', as Giorgio Vasari wrote in his Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects, in which he speaks of Leonardo and describes the Last Supper (“The Last..." 1). Link Text
  • 1498


    Artist Michelangelo Buonarroti's "...Pieta shows the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ after his crucifixion, death, and removal from the cross..." as this is "...known as the Seven Sorrows of Mary, which were the subject of Catholic devotional prayers" ("Michelangelo's..." 1). This is located St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy.
  • 1503

    Three Graces

    Three Graces
    Artist Raphael created Three Graces located in France at the Musée Condé in Chantilly. This painting represents fertility and beauty in the female figures. Link text
  • 1507

    Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist

    Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
    Artist Andrea Solario replicated Salome sinfully dancing for King Herod as John the Baptist's head is the trophy in this biblical story. Link Text
  • 1508

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    Michelangelo Buonarroti took four years to paint the Sistine Chapel beside the Vatican in Rome, Italy. He studied cadavers to create his figures. Link text
  • 1509

    The School of Athens

    The School of Athens
    Artist Raphael painted this as one of the first indications of perspective.The "Figures representing each subject that must be mastered in order to hold a true philosophic debate - astronomy, geometry, arithmetic, and solid geometry - are depicted in concrete form" as "...arbiters of this rule, the main figures, Plato and Aristotle, are shown in the centre, engaged in such a dialogue" ("The School..." 1). Link text
  • 1513


    Artist Michelangelo Buonarroti sculpted Moses out of marble in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome commissioned by Pope Julius II. "Legend has it that Michelangelo felt "Moses" to be his most life-like work, to the extent that, upon completion of the statue, Michelangelo is supposed to have struck its knee exclaiming 'Now, speak!'" (“Moses" 1). Link Text
  • 1514

    Sacred and Profane Love

    Sacred and Profane Love
    Artist Titian created this painting with cupid in the middle of two women, showing the unification of the overall composition. Link text
  • 1515

    Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard

    Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard
    Artist Antonio Allegri created this painting for a church in his hometown Correggio. Melchior Fassi is the patron who selected all of the saints. Link Text
  • 1557

    The Villa

    The Villa
    Architect Andrea Palladio designed and wrote about the beautiful Villa. "One of Palladio's architectural masterpieces, the Villa Barbaro (1557–58) overlooks the farmlands near Asolo and Vicenza" (Metmuseum). Link text
  • 1560

    The Rape of Europa

    The Rape of Europa
    Artist Titian created The Rape of Europa painting, a depiction of mythology. The scene "...depicts the story of her abduction by Zeus, who is in the form of a white bull. This myth had initially been a Cretan story, and many of the love-stories concerning Zeus originated from even more ancient myths describing his marriages with goddesses" ("The Rape..." 1). Link text
  • St. Sebastian

    St. Sebastian
    Artist Peter Paul Rubens created St. Sebastian which is now located in Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. "This is presumably the 'Sebastian' that Rubens offered to sell to an Englishman in 1618 as the 'finest flower of his work'" (“St. Sebastian 1). Link Text