Iraq genocide

The Iraq Genocide

  • The Treaty of Sèvres

    The Treaty of Sèvres
    When World War I ends, the Ottoman Empire collapses, and the Treaty of Sèvres is proposed to split up the territory previously owned by the Ottoman Empire and give some of the land to the Kurds giving them freedom. However, the treaty was ultimately rejected.
  • Turkey Founded; Treaty of Lausanne Created

    Turkey Founded; Treaty of Lausanne Created
    After Turkey was created and the Treaty of Lausanne was created that voided the Treaty of Sèvres. Therefore, Turkey didn't need to give the Kurds autonomy. The region was split into Iraq, Turkey and Syria.
  • Period: to

    Kurdish Rebellion

    The Kurds uprised and now the Turkesh Republic is supressed. It was the FIRST, not last, large scale rebellion of the Kurds.
  • Mahabad Republic - Kurdistan Democratic Party

    Mahabad Republic - Kurdistan Democratic Party
    Kurds formed the Mahabad Republic in Iran, it was quickly crushed by the Iranian government. Replaced with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), founded by Iraqi Kurd Mustafa Barzani, created to from an independent country called "Kurdistan."
  • Barzani Rebellion

    Barzani Rebellion
    Mustafa Barzani and Kurds revloted against Iraqi government led by Abdul Karim Qasim. Iraq puts down the Kurds. Bitter war between the two continue for decades.
  • Peace between Kurds and Iraq

    Peace between Kurds and Iraq
    Peace agreement between Iraqi government and the Kurds gives the Kurds the right to self-rule.
  • Second Iraqi-Kurdish War

    Second Iraqi-Kurdish War
    Barzani led the KDP forces against Iraqi forces led by Saddam Hussein for the oil-rich province of Kirkuk, which was suppose to be Kurdish territory. The government defeats KDP forces.
  • Jalal Talabani - KDP and PUK Involvment

    Jalal Talabani - KDP and PUK Involvment
    Jalal Talabani leader of the KDP at the time left and founded the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). The two parties warred for decades.
  • Abdullah Ocalan - PKK is Founded

    Abdullah Ocalan - PKK is Founded
    Abdullah Ocalan creates the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) forms this party to try to get Kurdish independance.
  • PKK starts a War

    PKK starts a War
    Due to Ocalan's leadership the PKK goes to war. Thousands of Kurds join the PKK's cause because they are sick of poor living conditions and are enraptured in nationalism.
  • Period: to

    1991 Kurdish Uprising

    After Persian Gulf war, Iraqi Kurds revolt against Saddam Hussein because of United State encouragment. Iraq kills the rebellion because the United Nations didn't come to the Kurds aid.
  • Kurds join U.S. and British Forces

    Kurds join U.S. and British Forces
    U.S. and Britian helped Kurds defeat Saddam Hussein's regime. 4 Kurds are assigned to Iraqi governing council , two of these being Talabani and Barzani.
  • Unrest

    Syrian Kurds and police clash during riots after a brawl from a soccer game. It was Syrias worst unrest in decades.
  • Modern Times

    Modern Times
    Dozens are killed and hundreds are wounded from an explosion throughout the region. Syrian refugees increase.