
The Investiture Conflict Study Cesar

  • Jan 1, 910

    Founding of Cluniac Order

    The Cluniac Order is founded in Cluny with the aim of reforming the church, encouraging more spirituality and combatting corruption. It's a success.
  • Jan 1, 963

    Otto III Removes Pope John VIII

    The Holy Roman Emperor John VIII removes Pope John VIII on charges of sacrilege, simony, perjury, murder, adultery and incest.
  • Jan 1, 999

    Otto III Appoints Gerbert of Aurillac

    The Ottonian and Salian kings had entered a campaign of reform to remove the Papacy from the control of the Roman Nobility. Gerbert was Otto III's teacher and would go on to take the name Sylvester II.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1056 to Jan 1, 1105

    Reign of Henry IV

    Henry, king of the Salian Germans appointed by his nobility, would initiate the Investiture Conflict.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1073 to Jan 1, 1084

    Reign of Pope Gregory VII

    Pope Gregory VII, or Hildebrand, was an Italian. One of many reforming Popes, he's most famous for his campaign against lay investiture; sadly, his conflict over this with Henry IV would lead to his deposition and death.
  • Jan 1, 1075

    Gregory VII Appointed

    Hildebrand, an Italian reforming monk, becomes Pope Gregory VII. He believes the Papacy to be superior to kingship. He not only bans lay investiture but threatens to excommunicate all who follow it.
  • Jan 1, 1122

    Concordat of Worms

    The Concordat of Worms settles the Investiture debate: the Church would appoint clergy and nobles/kings could give them land to gain fealty.